Genetic mapping of Danish trout populations (38828)

Project Details


The objective of this project is to map the genetic structure of Danish trout populations and to develop genetic tools for use in management of Danish trout populations. This tool will be used for identifying indigenous populations of trout, and to identify causes for maintenance of genetic differentiation between populations. In the longer term we aim to map the geographical distribution of genetic diversity of most Danish trout populations. The genetic database will also be used to establish a molecular testing system allowing the determination of the river origin of individual sea trout, thereby describing migration patterns. This is done by developing genetic stock identification methods specifically targeting sea trout in Danish waters.

A genetic map with more detail (both geographically and genomic) compared to previous genetic studies will become an important tool for conservation and restoration of natural trout. It will be applied for identifying trout populations that are locally adapted or differs genetically from other populations and therefore are particularly important for maintaining genetic diversity. This tool will be used to define management units and assessment of evolutionary potential. A genetic map provides an overview of indigenous populations and conservation units, and will thus have important implications in counselling practical restoration efforts.

The identification of local adaptations of specific populations, and knowledge of whether individual stocks are adapted to life in their particular environment can be applied in identifying causes for maintenance of genetic differentiation between populations, e.g. whether certain populations are genetically adapted to spawn under certain environmental conditions or at certain times.

Individuals from approx. 50 rivers are selected in a manner that ensures a good coverage of Danish trout populations. These are genotyped for 6000 candidate SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) on an Illumina iSelect bead array. The SNP chip is developed in another DTU Aqua project (Living North Sea Project). Results from the 6000 SNPs will be used to identify a subset of SNPs that are particularly well suited to distinguish between Danish trout populations. These SNPs will be used as a genetic tool in the future and it is therefore extremely important to get proper coverage of Danish trout populations in the mapping of the genetic diversity.

DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources (coordinator)

The project is funded by the Danish Rod and Net Fishing License Funds.

Research area: Population Genetics
Research area: Freshwater Fisheries and Ecology
Effective start/end date01/01/2011 → …


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