GALILEO Arctic TestBed Development and Operations

    Project Details


    High latitude countries have significant and rapidly growing interests in having GALILEO EGNOS like services, mainly because of the rapidly growing traffic in the region (maritime as well as aviation). However EGNOS GEO signals are not received above 70 degree latitude. The objective of this project is to develop and deploy an Arctic TestBed to support the demonstration of GNSS services over ARCTIC regions on the basis of EGNOS subsystems and other existing infrastructure as deployed and operated on this region. In particular, the use of specific (non GEO) broadcast means. This activity will also support the EGNOS v3 definition phase in relation to the extension of the EGNOS coverage to North.
    AcronymArctic TestBed
    Effective start/end date01/05/201230/09/2014


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