Fundamental fault detection

  • Niemann, Hans Henrik (Project Manager)
  • Saberi, Ali (Project Participant)
  • Stoorvogel, Anton (Project Participant)
  • Peddapullaiah, Sannuti (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The area for this project is to develop a basic for the investigation of fault detection, fault identification and fault estimation.
    One of the main problems in fault detection, fault identification and fault estimation is that there does not exist a well defined fundament, where on the research can be based. As a consequency of this, it will in general be impossible to validate residual gererators (components for fault detection/identification/estimation) with respect to e.g. optimality.
    The first part of the project deals with formulating a number of fundamental fault detection/identification/estimation problems and derive the solvability conditions for these problems. These problems describe the optimal/the best that can be optained.
    Effective start/end date01/01/199931/12/2001

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • Eindhoven University of Technology (Project partner)
    • Rutgers University (Project partner)
    • Washington State University Misc. Campuses (Project partner)


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