Project Details


The main objectives of the project are to:

1. Calculate the CO2 emissions during the catching process (active fishing, searching, sailing, etc.) for a selection of the Danish fishing fleet as a basis for comparison between different fisheries (gear and vessel types) and also as a basis for comparison with other food sources (based on available results from literature).

2. Split the CO2 emissions in the capture process on the individual activities (fishing, search, sailing, cooling, etc.) to identify possible CO2-reducing measures,

3. For 2-3 selected Danish fisheries, carry out a pilot Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which also includes processing, transport on land, gear production, etc. when calculating the climate footprint.

The results of the project will be compared with the climate footprint of other protein sources such as beef, chicken and pork. If this comparison is favorable for seafood products it is possible that the project will position fish as a generally climate-friendly and healthy food and thus will create an increased demand.

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua
Danish Pelagic Producer Organization, Denmark
Danish Fishermen Producer Organisation, Danmark
Foreningen for Skånsomt Kystfiskeri Producentorganisation, Danmark 
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden

The project is funded by Fiskeriafgiftsfonden.

Research area: Ecosystem based Marine Management
Research area: Fisheries Management
Effective start/end date01/08/202031/12/2021


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