Project Details


One of the (many) Danish shortcomings in fulfillment of the WFD requirements is the lack of a fish-based assessment method for rivers. DTU Aqua and Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (Aarhus University) was asked by the Danish Nature Agency to make basic analyses to enable the development of a national fish index to be used to produce the WFD required water plans. The challenge was to find a method to evaluate the ecological quality of small streams with only very few fish species. Using the extensive DTU Aqua database, a single-metric system was developed and tested. The results showed that the density of 0+ trout and salmon is a well-suited indicator that reflects water quality, physical modifications and connectivity. The method has now been implemented in the legislation and is used in the national water plans alongside the intercallibrated Lithuanian index LZI that is used in larger streams/rivers.

The project was coordinated by the Danish Nature Agency and funded by the Danish Nature Agency.

Research area: Freshwater Fisheries and Ecology
Effective start/end date01/11/201201/04/2013

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