Project Details


Overall objective:
BSU South partner universities' contribute to solve major societal challenges through communication and dissemination of research findings at all stakeholder levels.
Immediate objective:
UDSM, SUA and KNUST develop institutional capacities in contributing to policy development at national level, to program development at regional and local level, and to change of practices at local and farm level.
Key results:
1. Strengths and weaknesses in current outreach institutional capacity and activities identified and analysed for partner universities at all stakeholder levels, and a process discussing the institutional set-up and support system at the universities in relation to outreach has been initiated
2. Outreach activities defined and implemented for communicating research results from a case on Integrated Aquaculture and Agriculture to relevant stakeholders at national, regional, local and farm level in Ghana and Tanzania
3. Recommendations on organisational changes to ensure high impact of research findings, drawing on lessons learnt from the Integrated Aquaculture and Agriculture Outreach case, defined and presented to the university management of the partner institutions and relevant policy making stakeholders in Ghana and Tanzania
Effective start/end date01/01/201430/06/2016

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Sokoine University of Agriculture (Project partner)
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Project partner)
  • University of Dar Es Salaam (Project partner)


  • Danida