European team for new methods of education and traning in urban water resources management.

  • Warnaars, Eric (Project Participant)
  • Loke, Egon (Project Participant)
  • Harremoës, Poul (Project Manager)
  • Rauch, Wolfgang (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    This project responds to the SOCRATES objective of promoting ODL by establishing a European partnership in the field of Urban Water Resources Management. This partnership will integrate the new information and communication technologies offered by the World Wide Web and Internet to improve two existing university courses that have successfully run in a distance learning mode for 2 and 5 years respectively.
    The project will make use of the expertise of the partners in the field of Urban Water Resources Management to divide the load of interacting with the course participants to respond to exercises and discuss related topics. The project will involve private enterprise to help develop an educational product that has practical value in addition to academic.
    The project will also make use of partners´experience with previous distance learning and multimedia projects to develop the technical aspects of establishing a web-based class room with a user-friendly interface. The project will seek to enable synchronous /chat room) and asynchronous (e-mail) communication on an individual or group level. Through using the web the project will maintain a platform independence and will present a (for most) familiar interface.
    Effective start/end date01/09/199801/08/2000

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Project partner)
    • PH-Consult ApS (Project partner)
    • Techware (Project partner)
    • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Project partner)


    • Unknown


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