ELAC. European and Latin American consortium for IST enhanced education in environment management and planning (ELAC) ("the Operation"), corresponding to action 5 of the @LIS programme.

  • Warnaars, Eric (Project Participant)
  • Thygesen, Niels (Project Manager)

    Project Details


    ELAC. European and Latin American consortium for IST enhanced education in environment management and planning (ELAC) ("the Operation"), corresponding to action 5 of the @LIS programme.
    Effective start/end date01/10/200330/09/2006

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • Metropolitan Autonomous University (Project partner)
    • Lancaster University (Project partner)
    • Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Project partner)
    • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (Project partner)
    • Universidad Centroamericana (Project partner)
    • Aalborg University (Project partner)
    • University of Barcelona (Project partner)


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