Eastern Baltic cod in crisis: Can we follow liver worm load in cod in an easy and inexpensive way? (Leverparasit i Torsken) (39716)

Project Details


Detailed analysis have revealed that liver worm load in cod is currently high in the central and Eastern parts of the Baltic Sea. Yet, the spatial occurrence of liver worm in cod may change in the future, i.e. cod in other areas may start to become infected. The detailed analysis are expensive and time-consuming and can only be performed in restricted areas. To follow the spatial-temporal development of liver worm load in cod, the so-called 'liver category method' has been developed and applied on a voluntary basis by Germany and Denmark on Baltic Sea monitoring cruises. Here individual livers are assigned a category between 0 ad 3, based on the number of worm visible on the surface of the liver. This method is fast and inexpensive and can be used to cover extensive areas.

The overarching aim of the project is to arrange and host a pan-Baltic workshop where we:
1) get an overview of ongoing monitoring of liver worm using the liver worm category method in the Baltic region: which countries/institutes and where and since when?
2) standardise the protocol used to register liver worm in cod.
3) make an overview describing the existing status of liver worm load in cod in different areas.
4) work towards a common agreement for making liver worm registrations a compulsory part of the monitoring protocol.

The project is funded by Direktør J.P.A. Espersen og hustru, Fru Dagny Espersens Fond.

Research area: Fish Biology

Effective start/end date01/01/202031/12/2020


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