E-learning project HEROS for first year math - new ways of learning

  • Rootzén, Helle (Project Manager)
  • Markvorsen, Steen Schyum (Project Participant)
  • Schmidt, Karsten (Project Participant)
  • Sendrup, Linda (Project Participant)

Project Details


The aim of this project is to develop a new web based learning platform for the course Engineering Mathematics 1 – a platform which combines cutting edge e-learning materials and strategies with lectures, textbooks, weekly menus, and Maple demos. The main task is to further support the multifaceted architecture of the course while still keeping it clear cut and transparent. The idea is to make room within this architecture for several interlinked teaching styles and teaching materials and thus enhance the possibility for the individual student to find and operate his or her own most effective learning style. New “nonlinear“ learning objects including text files, animations, video clips etc. will be developed and packed in order to create multiple entries into the process of understanding the key mathematical concepts.
Effective start/end date01/08/200831/07/2010


  • Forskningsprojekter - Andre ministerier og styrelser


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