Development of sustainable technologies and modeling tools in aquaculture aiming at increasing overall production (UDTÆNK) (39030)

Project Details


The project aimed at developing methods and modeling tools that may assist the aquaculture industry in expanding its production while minimizing the environmental impact.

To obtain this, the project included six work packages concerning:
- Increased production of rainbow trout by providing methods for reducing the discharge of nitrogen and organic matter.
- Increased production in net cages by providing academic guidance to social workers on concurrent production of trout and mussels.
- Improved sustainability of the industry by providing guidance on optimal system design with respect to reducing nutrient discharge.

The project was funded by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the European Fisheries Fund (EFF).

Research area: Aquaculture
Effective start/end date09/07/201231/05/2015

Collaborative partners


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