Development of a new, sensitive and robust 12 hours Salmonella-test to the meat industry.

  • Hoorfar, Jeffrey (Project Manager)
  • Krause, Michael (Project Participant)

Project Details


The overall objective is to develop a robust and cheap method for the detection of Salmonella. High throughput requirements including a reduction of the analyzing time from 21 to 12 hours. Involving such a test will cause a possiblity to release poultry, pork and beef for the export market. Also the national market will be improved with a better competitive power and essential financial savings.

The specific project objective: 1. Development of a rapid, selective enrichment of Salmonella in meat-, swab- and feces from poultry, pigs and cattle.
2. Development of a new robust RT-PCR protocol for detection of Salmonella in samples that have been pre-enriched.
3. Implement the method in operation laboratories.
4. Validation of the method on each sample type with special reference to achieve NordVal approval.
Effective start/end date01/03/200501/03/2007

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Tican Fresh Meat A/S (Project partner)
  • Eurofins Miljø A/S (Project partner)
  • Danpo A/S (Project partner)
  • Danish Technological Institute (Project partner)
  • Danish Crown A/S (Project partner)