Design of Crashworthy Ship Structures

  • Toernqvist, Rikard (Project Manager)

    Project Details


    An average of 230 vessels, most short sea vessels, with a registered tonnage of 1.1 million are lost at sea worldwide every year, claiming over 1000 lives. In addition, shipping safety and marine pollution are inextricably linked. If, due to superior energy absorbing capacities of new ship structures developed in the project, the hull does not tear after collision with another ship and pollution is prevented.
    The project is focused on development of crashworthy ship structures resulting in an improvement of the overall safety and reliability and in more optimal ship structures. The objective of the task is:
    1) Develop new crashworthy side structures, where it is expected that substantial crashworthiness can be achieved by carefully considering the structural design. Steel, non-conventional materials and also non-conventional structural arrangement will be analysed with respect to energy absorbing capabilities.
    2) Generation of energy dissipation reference. In order to take full advantage of crashworthy side structure with respect to damage survivability, the existing concept of damage statistics must be abandoned and must be replaced by the concept of collision energy reference values.
    3) Damage stability survival probability increases when crashworthy ship structures are applied. Development of a method that takes the actual crashworthiness into account while assessing the damage stability survivability using the actual capability of the structure.
    Effective start/end date15/03/200031/12/2003


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