Decommissioning of Research Reactors

  • Ølgaard, Povl Lebeck (Project Manager)

Project Details


The project centers around the DR2 research reactor which was closed down in 1975, and the aim of the project is to investigate what further decommissioning steps are to be taken with the reactor. In addition cooperation in the field of research reactor decommissioning with Latvia and Poland have been investigated under the Danish sector programme, involving the countries around the Baltic Sea and run by the Danish Emergency Management Agency. As part of this work a report on the technical problems connected to the decommissioning of research reactors has been prepared. Also a contract has been signed with the International Atomic Energy Agency on decommissioning studies. A working group has been formed at Risø that will be responsible for the future work on DR2.
Effective start/end date15/01/199731/12/1998


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