Control of foodborne infections from lightly preserved meat products through mathematical modelling and efficient HACCP-based control programmes

Project Details


HACCP-based control programs are mandatory and are implemented by most enterprises but very often these have shown to be inefficient in ensuring inactivation of VTEC and Salmonella. The aim of the project is to generate data and develop mathematical models, which predict the reduction of Salmonella and verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) at different process and product conditions. A web-based user-friendly tool will be developed, which will enable industry to assess their current recipes and processes and to develop new and safe products. In addition we will investigate for factors during processing, which are of possible importance for infectivity of VTEC and Salmonella. E.g gene expression studies will be included.
Effective start/end date01/01/200831/12/2011

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Statens Serum Institut (Project partner)
  • University of Copenhagen (Project partner)
  • Danish Technological Institute (Project partner)


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