Connovate - optimized building system using High Performance Concrete

  • Bro, Karsten (Project Manager)
  • Hvam, Lars (Project Participant)
  • Mortensen, Niels Henrik (Project Participant)
  • Serwin, Bo (Project Participant)
  • Nieport, Christian (Project Participant)
  • Svendsen, Svend (Project Participant)
  • Stang, Henrik (Project Participant)
  • Olesen, Henrik (Project Participant)
  • Bertelsen, Ib (Project Participant)
  • Gregersen, Johan (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The parties will develop a new sustainable building system using High Performance Concrete(HPC) for sandwich elements. The system meets the visions of low energy use, low material consumption, material recycling and low CO2 emission throughout the entire life cycle,contributing to Denmark fulfilling it’s international obligations as well as expanding Denmark's international position through export of an innovative building technology. The system will represent the next step in the construction industry's increasing use of prefabricated elements,
    making it possible to offer the end user better solutions for insulation, increased living space and better indoor air quality at a competitive price. As a result of the superior performance compared to current refurbishment methods, the system is expected to play a central role in
    the foreseen energy refurbishment of the existing building stock. Focused on global warming, this allows for legislation on the issue to be further tightened.
    The aims are to develop and certify the basic elements for a new HPC building system and launch it on the Danish market prior to introducing the system to further markets. We will establish Connovate as a joint IPR holder and a company to develop business models for future development of products, markets and systems globally. IPR will be shared between Connovate, DTU and IPU and continuously strengthened throughout the development period
    supporting the core business.
    Success criterion
    The overall success criterion is to develop the basic HPC building elements and to create an effective production layout. A further criterion is the establishment of a company (Connovate) that on the basis of innovation and strong IPR’s will secure the continuity of developing the HPC system. A third criterion is to create jobs in a broad range of companies in Denmark and gain increased market share in export markets. Finally, we expect a measurable positive impact on the environmental challenges.
    Effective start/end date01/09/201031/08/2013

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • DBI - The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (Project partner)
    • DELTA - a Part of FORCE Technology (Project partner)
    • Institute for Product Development (Project partner)
    • Smith Innovation (Project partner)
    • Arkitema K/S (Project partner)
    • Contec ApS (Project partner)


    • Forsk. Andre statslige danske i øvrigt


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