Characterizing stormwater runoff and developing advanced technical solutions for secondary treatment

  • Ledin, Anna (Project Manager)
  • Eriksson, Eva (Project Participant)
  • Genc-Fuhrman, Hülya (Project Participant)
  • Mikkelsen, Peter Steen (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The main objectives of the project are:
    1) to characterize Danish urban storm-water, especially in terms of heavy metal, PAH, chloride and organic matter distribution
    2) to study the chemical and physical processes involved during the storm-water treatment, and thus develop the most appropriate technical solution for the treatment prior to discharge.
    Effective start/end date11/03/200410/03/2006

    Collaborative partners


    • Statens Teknisk Videnskabelige Forskningsråd


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