Project Details
"Challenging Microsatellite Project", CHAMP, is a German Geopotentials satellitemission assigned to measure the gravitationpotential and map the geomagnetic field of the earth with a very high presition. The launch of the satellite is scheduled to be mid 1999 with a russian Kosmos launcher from Plesetsk. It is launched into an 450 km circular orbit of app. 83deg inclination. The project is mananged by the GeoForschungsZentrum, GFZ, in Potsdam and financed by the German Space argenture DVL (the former DARA). The Space Instrumentation group at IAU is contracted to build the starnavigation system and the vector magnetometer for this satellitemission. Two CSC vector magnetometers of the Ørsted type is to be delivered in May 1998.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 01/02/1997 → … |
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