BRITE-EURAM Project Improved Quality Assurance and Methods of Grouting Post-tensioned Tendons, EC-Contract No. BRPR-CT95-0099

    Project Details


    Corrosion problems due to badly grouted ducts in post-tensioned conrete structures are present throughout the EC countries, albeit less publicity has been given in some. Dramatic collapses in both the UK and Belgium, premature demolitions and unforseen extensive maintenance works all over Europe has created great concern.
    Improvements on current processes of grouting post-tensioning ducts cannot be achieved by any single action on its own, but require parallel developments in the field of grouting materials, grouting techniques and QA/QC systems. It is therefore the objective of the project to:
    - introduce suitable QA systems which can be applied during and immediately after grouting.
    - develop grouts which have improved properties viz. flowability, bleed, volume change, stability etc.
    - develop improved grouting techniques and specifications.
    Effective start/end date01/01/199631/03/1999

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • Identity (Project partner)
    • CINEC (Project partner)
    • Belgian Building Research Institute (Project partner)
    • Gifford and Partners LLP (Project partner)
    • Danish Road Directorate (Project partner)
    • Dansk Beton Teknik A/S (Project partner)


    • Unknown


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