Project Details


Stakeholders and scientists involved in GAP1 initiated cooperative research by making plans to combine knowledge in participatory research through a series of European and regional workshops.

GAP1 represented phase 1 of a three-phase program that aimed to explore the complementary nature of alternative knowledge and investigate how to combine it in ways that will enhance understanding and management of natural resources. Tied to knowledge, GAP1 was an evidence-based approach that used participation as the vehicle to improve understanding on fisheries research and management issues of common concern to stakeholders,scientists and policy makers. Through initiation of cooperative research and facilitating the building of the capacity of stakeholders to engage in participatory research, GAP1 contributed towards the wider aspiration of the Science in Society program. In particular, enhancing the democratic debate with a more engaged and informed public, thus providing better conditions for collective choices on scientific issues relating to sustainable management, conservation of ecosystem integrity and biodiversity of the marine environment.

GAP2 was about making a difference to an issue of significance to the whole of society; the wellbeing of the marine environment and the sustainability of fisheries upon which society depends for food. It continued the relationships, processes and plans made in GAP1 by enabling Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML) actions that promoted stakeholder participation in the debate and development of research knowledge and structures relevant to emerging policy on fisheries and the marine environment. The aims were to promote and enable processes for open and effective participation of stakeholders in research and management, demonstrate through specific examples and critical evaluation the role and value of stakeholder driven science in the governance of fisheries and the marine environment. DTU Aqua was the case study leader of one of the selected cases of GAP2. Find full list of participants at the website of GAP2.

These projects were coordinated by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK. The projects were funded by EU, Framework Programme 7.

Research area: Marine Living Resources
Research area: Population Genetics
Research area: Fisheries Management
Effective start/end date01/01/200831/12/2015

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Project partner)
  • Pelagic Regional Advisory Council (Project partner)
  • Swedish National Board of Fisheries (Project partner)
  • Baltic Sea Advisory Council (Project partner)
  • Universidade da Coruña (Project partner)
  • University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (Project partner)
  • Aalborg University (Project partner)
  • Cefas Weymouth Laboratory (Project partner)


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