Breast cancer incidence and mortality

  • Rootzén, Helle (Project Manager)
  • Rostgaard, Klaus (Project Participant)
  • Lynge, Elsebeth (Project Participant)
  • Væth, Michael (Project Participant)
  • Madsen, Mette (Project Participant)
  • Mouridsen, Henning (Project Participant)
  • Olesen, Knud P. (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    In Denmark, as in all western countries, breast cancer mortality has remained relatively stable. The most obvious explanations for the empirically improved survival would be improved treatment or earlier diagnosis, possibly caused by screening. If earlier diagnosis was the most important explanation one would expect to see a small change in stage specific survival, but a large change in the stage distribution towards less advanced stages of the disease in the time of diagnosis, and vice versa if improved treatment was the most important explanation. Obviously it is important to be able to distinguish between these two explanations.
    In the project we focus on answering the following questions:
    How is the breast cancer stage distribution in Denmark 1978 - 94.Why has the stage distribution of breast cancers at time of diagnosis inproved in Denmark 1978-94?.
    Effective start/end date01/02/199831/12/2005

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • Aarhus University Hospital (Project partner)
    • Aarhus University (Project partner)
    • University of Copenhagen (Project partner)
    • Bispebjerg University Hospital (Project partner)
    • Danish Cancer Society (Project partner)
    • Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev and Gentofte (Project partner)


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