Best available technology applicable to traditional pond farms (38811)

Project Details


As a consequence of environmental concerns – also following the Water Framework Directive legislations – traditional Danish pond farms need to install and operate (affordable) technology to reduce environmental impact from fish farming. 
In this project the best available technology applicable to traditional Danish flow-through pond farms was assessed and defined. Different technologies were installed/evaluated on selected farms and environmental effects were analysed, evaluated and discussed. Based on the study the best available technology and its applicability and effects on traditional farms was established, and the environmental authorities were supplied with details regarding what can realistically be done on this type of farms. 
Nutrients (N & P) as well as organics, the pollutants most immediately relevant to the watercourse in such farms, were considered in the assessment.
The project was coordinated by Danish Aquaculture Association, Denmark and funded by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the European Fisheries Fund (EFF).
Research area: Aquaculture
Effective start/end date01/01/201101/01/2013

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