Axial fans and ventilation systems

    Project Details


    Over the past few years, the Fluid Mechanics Section has focused on axial fans for ventilation purposes. By improving the rotor designs, a substantial reduction in power consumption can be achieved and the use of fossil fuels can thereby be reduced. A joint EFP programme has been established with the Danish Technological Institute (DTI), (DEFU) and a Danish manufacturer (Exhausto).
    At the Department, a cascade wind tunnel has been constructed and CFD techniques have been tuned in order to obtain reliable airfoil data in cascade setups.
    Furthermore, an analytical model for the aerodynamics of axial fans has been developed as part of a Ph.D. project. Integrating the model with an optimization algorithm enables the design of fans with a low energy consumption. At DTI, a test stand for axial fans has been built for measuring fan performance in order to verify the computed optimum designs. At the Department, an experimental facility has been constructed, enabling measurements using Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) in and around the rotor of an axial fan. The ongoing activity has resulted in several master thesis projects at the Department.
    With the experimental facilities and the numerical tools, it is possible to design improved rotors and, furthermore, to gain an insight into the physics of the flow and thus the mechanisms responsible for losses.
    Effective start/end date01/01/1997 → …


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