Aquaponic production as part of a social enterprise (109449)

Project Details


The project will develop a modular replicable aquaponic technology that allows fish production while growing organic vegetables using the nutrients produced from the fish. The system will allow to grow healthy protein and organic vegetables under Danish climate conditions with a reduced water, nutrient and energy footprint.The technology will promote incetives for environmental compliance, food security and is a great asset as teaching tool for wide range of subjects demonstrating ecological cycles. Additionally the technology concept can be applied to fish farms in Denmark as a way of treating nutrient effluents while obtaining an added value to the fish production (organic vegetables).

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua
Østagergård, Denmark (coordinator)
Akvaponisk Have, Denmark
Egmont Højskolen, Denmark

The project is funded by Innovationsdistrikt Sjælland supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Danish Board of Business Development.

Research area: Aquaculture
Effective start/end date01/01/202201/12/2023


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