Application, demonstration and further development of advanced aerodynamic and aeroelastic models

    Project Details


    Three MW turbines will be analyzed by Risø/DTU using the newest computer models for aerodynamics and aeroelasticity. All the computer models, in the following called the design complex, are used for the three turbines. Based on the analysis Risø/DTU in cooperation with the manufacturers, Vestas, NEG Micon, Bonus Energy and LM Glasfiber, will estimate the consequences of the computations for the turbine design. Suitable changes in the design, as a consequence of the new design complex, will be identified and supported by measurements. This will make the background for the implementation of changes in the turbine design. In the analysis of the design there will be an exchange of knowledge, which will be used for the continuous development of the computer models.
    Short titleResearch in Aeroelasticity
    Effective start/end date01/07/200231/12/2003

    Collaborative partners


    • Aeroelastics
    • Aerodynamics


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    • Forskning i aeroelasticitet EFP-2002

      Bak, C. (Editor), 2004, 126 p. (Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R; No. 1434(DA)).

      Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

      Open Access
      359 Downloads (Pure)