Analysis of Electromyographic Signals

  • Sørensen, John Aasted (Project Manager)
  • Hansen, Steffen Duus (Project Participant)
  • Krarup, Chr. (Project Participant)
  • Nikolic, Mile (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The object of this project is the analysis of motor unit potentials measured by needle electrodes in muscles.
    The application area is clinical diagnosis of muslce- and nerve diseases.
    Emphasis is concentrated on analyzing the sequence of potentials and particulary variations in the potentials forms. These variations, also denoted variability, are expected to form diagnostic parameters for the clinical diagnosis of musle- and nerve diseases. Furthermore they are expected to form a basis for the analysis of the restitution process of nerve- and muscle lesions.
    A database consisting of measurements on normal persons and patients with a selection of muscle and nerve diseases has been established. Among others the database contains a selection of measurements which is expected to originate in the variability phenomenon.
    The analysis system is being used for clinical diagnosis at the Department of Neurophysiology, The Royal Hospital.
    In the period of reporting, the work has concentrated on the elaboration of the ph.d. thesis.
    Effective start/end date01/06/199620/04/1999

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • University of Copenhagen (Project partner)
    • Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev and Gentofte (Project partner)
    • Rigshospitalet (Project partner)


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