Advancing BeYond Shallow waterS - Optimal design of offshore wind turbine support structures

    Project Details


    ABYSS is a four year research project funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research. ABYSS develops novel mathematical models, reliable numerical optimization techniques and software for optimal design of cost effective bottom-fixed offshore wind turbine support structures for all relevant water depths including deep waters in excess of 50m.
    Effective start/end date01/01/201431/12/2017

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • Ørsted A/S (Project partner)
    • FE-Design GmbH (Project partner)
    • SINTEF (Project partner)
    • Universal Foundation A/S (Project partner)
    • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Project partner)
    • Aalborg University (Project partner)


    • Danish Council for Strategic Research


    • structural optimization
    • wind energy
    • offshore support structures


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