Adiabatic Liquid Piston Compressed Air Energy Storage

  • Bang-Møller, Christian (Project Participant)
  • Reinholdt, Lars (Project Manager)
  • Elmegaard, Brian (Project Participant)
  • Pedersen, Allan Schrøder (Project Participant)
  • Pedersen, Aksel Hauge (Project Participant)
  • Crotogino, Fritz (Project Participant)

Project Details


Traditional Comressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is seen as one of the most cost effective technologies for the bulk energy storage in the future flexible grid. The project will investigate the possible lift of the round trip effiency by the introduction of Adiabatic Liquid Piston CAES (ALP-CAES) which is expected to be highly competative.
Effective start/end date01/03/2011 → …

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