Activities on solar heating systems

  • Furbo, Simon (Project Manager)
  • Holck, Ole (Project Participant)
  • Vejen, Niels Kristian (Project Participant)
  • Nielsen, Lars Thomsen (Project Participant)
  • Shah, Louise Jivan (Project Participant)
  • Heller, Alfred (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The aim of the project is to further develope solar heating systems and components for solar heating systems. In cooperation with manufacturers within the solar energy branch different projects are carried out:
    -Investigation of efficiency and strength for a solar collector with a new cover plate in cooperation with Djurs Solvarme I/S.
    -Investigation of a hot water tank with a high heat exchanger spiral with a small pipe diameter in the upper part of the heat exchanger spiral and a large pipe diameter in the lower part of the heat exchanger spiral in cooperation with Kãhler&Breum Beholder- og Maskinfabrik K/S.
    -Investigation of a low flow solar heating system for space heating and domestic hot water supply with a wood burner as the auxiliary energy supply system in cooperation with Aidt Miljø A/S.
    -Investigations af deformations of solar collectors caused by mechanical loads and by temperature variations.
    -Investigations of heat exchange capacity rates inside mantle tanks.
    -Measurements of the thermal performance of small SDHWsystems in a laboratory test facility.
    -Investigation of how the time step of weather data will influence the calculated thermal performance of solar heating systems.
    Effective start/end date01/01/199631/12/1996


    • Unknown


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