A Distance Learning Course in Control Theory For PhD Students

  • Jantzen, Jan (Project Manager)
  • Milonidis, Efstathios (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The objective is to make the graph approach to multivariable control theory known and available. The approach is to develop a distance learning course on the Internet, and teach it to PhD students.
    Research has been undertaken by universities in Germany, UK, Finland, France, the US and also DTU for maybe 25 years, but recently it has been one of the subjects of the project SESDIP (see Darwin). That project closed in 1996.
    Potential course participants are the PhD students in the universities of the SESDIP partners. Other potential participants are PhD students in Denmark and Sweden, and later on MSc students and professionals in industry. The course resides on http://www.iau.dtu.dk/~em/learn/
    Effective start/end date01/06/199730/06/1998


    • Unknown


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