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Marine Microbial Cell Factory for Novel Antibiotics Discovery
Kozlowski, H. C. J. (PhD Student), Gram, L. (Main Supervisor) & Zhang, S. (Supervisor)
01/02/2025 → 31/01/2028
Project: PhD
The Impact of AI on Managerial Work
Jensen, J. K. (PhD Student), Kirchner, K. (Main Supervisor), Edwards, K. (Supervisor), Engwall, M. (Supervisor) & Karakaya, E. (Supervisor)
01/02/2025 → 31/01/2028
Project: PhD
Sustainable Hybrid Work
Krauth, H. (PhD Student), Ipsen, C. (Main Supervisor) & Edwards, K. (Supervisor)
01/02/2025 → 31/01/2028
Project: PhD
In situ fermentation of sweet proteins
Barba, C.S.-G. (PhD Student), Sommer, M. O. A. (Main Supervisor), Jahn, L. J. (Supervisor) & Mak, T. S. H. (Supervisor)
01/02/2025 → 31/01/2028
Project: PhD
Generative AI Learning Technology Improving the Teaching-Learning Experience of First Year Polytechnical Foundation Courses
Jensen, T. P. M. (PhD Student), Bækgaard, P. (Main Supervisor), Duus, J. Ø. (Supervisor) & Khalid, M. S. (Supervisor)
01/02/2025 → 31/01/2028
Project: PhD
Mechanisms for Robotic Locomotion
Liu, H. (PhD Student), Fumagalli, M. (Main Supervisor), Galeazzi, R. (Supervisor) & Tolu, S. (Supervisor)
01/02/2025 → 31/01/2028
Project: PhD
Marine biogeochemistry in Greenlandic waters
Heidemann, A. C. (PhD Student), Stedmon, C. (Main Supervisor), Gonçalves-Araujo, R. (Supervisor), Haraguchi, L. (Supervisor) & Pedersen, T. J. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Temperature effects on fish growth and climate change impacts
Sheils, L. J. (PhD Student), Denderen, D. V. (Main Supervisor) & Lindegren, M. O. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Understanding Water Transport and Degradation Pathways in Membranes Tailored for CO2 Reduction Reactors
Dragani, T. (PhD Student), Hjelm, J. (Main Supervisor) & Konovalova, A. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Development of inhibitors of the fungal ergosterol transporter cnYsp2
Camporese, N. (PhD Student), Laraia, L. (Main Supervisor) & Olsen, J. M. H. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
AL-assisted, high-throughput synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles for sacrificial-agent-free water splitting
Arenaza Prieto, I. (PhD Student), Grivel, J.-C. (Main Supervisor), Castelli, I. E. (Supervisor) & Lee, H. K. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Fast and accurate machine-learning surrogates of wind farm wake aerodynamics
Hölldobler, A. L. (PhD Student), Murcia Leon, J. P. (Main Supervisor) & Vinuesa, R. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
in vivo Investigation of 3D Features for Gastrointestinal Retention, Friction and Mucopermeation/Tissue Penetration
Salas Cotaquispe, C. F. (PhD Student), Boisen, A. (Main Supervisor), Christfort, J. F. (Supervisor), Kam Guyan, K. (Supervisor) & Svendsen, M. B. S. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Prototyping platform¿for¿real-time analysis for ultrafast SAXS/WAXS on¿fibres, composites and¿polymer film
Eriksson, H. (PhD Student), Andreasen, J. W. (Main Supervisor), Dahl, V. A. (Supervisor) & Mikkelsen, L. P. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Electrochemical Pyroprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuelsin Molten Chloroaluminates
KARAMITROU, I. (PhD Student), Li, Q. (Main Supervisor), Killinger, D. P. (Supervisor) & Riisager, A. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Improving single-cell proteomics through advanced sample preparation
Nikolaus Hartlmayr, D. (PhD Student), Schoof, E. (Main Supervisor) & Hefzi, H. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
AI design of analytical tool compounds
Jacobsen, C. P. (PhD Student), Jenkins, T. P. (Main Supervisor), Gunnarsson, S. B. (Supervisor), Hald, A. (Supervisor) & Rasch, M. G. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
GUT-BALANCE: Investigating the Gut-Brain axis in Motion Sickness
Isenberg, A. L. (PhD Student), Magnusson, M. E. H. (Main Supervisor) & Klokker, M. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Sustainable Microfabrication
Lestyan-Goda, K. (PhD Student), Mølhave, K. S. (Main Supervisor) & Olsen, S. I. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
All solid-state lithium metal batteries with Lithiumlanthanide zirconate ceramics as electrolytes
Mathivanan, V. (PhD Student), Norby, P. Æ. (Main Supervisor), Dash, A. (Supervisor) & Khoshkalam, M. (Supervisor)
15/01/2025 → 14/01/2028
Project: PhD
Dybdegående analyse af danskernes kødindtag, kostkvalitet og karakteristika
Biltoft-Jensen, A. P. (PI) & Fagt, S. (Project Participant)
13/01/2025 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
IEA DHC Annex TS9 - Digitalization of District Heating and Cooling: Improving Efficiency and Performance Through Data Integration.
Tunzi, M. (PI), Ebrahimy, R. (Project Participant), Madsen, H. (Project Participant) & Dominkovic, D. F. (PI)
02/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research
PestNet: Non-Target Molecular Network Analysis: Overlooked Pesticides
Hansen, M. (PI)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Innovative large-scale thermal energy storage for buildings and communities
Fan, J. (PI)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research
Arabkoohsar, A. (PI)
01/01/2025 → 30/06/2028
Project: Research
Advanced Techniques in Complex Dynamic Systems Optimization
Gibford, S. (PhD Student), Mansouri, S. S. (Main Supervisor) & Abildskov, J. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Delivery of nucleosides to brain with new aptamer molecules
Abbrederis, N. (PhD Student), Astakhova, K. (Main Supervisor) & Laraia, L. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Pioneering Electric Heavy-Duty Freight Transport
B, A. (PhD Student), Rich, J. (Main Supervisor) & Larsen, A. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
QMoire: Developing ultrahigh spatial and temporal resolution microscopy to probe quantum features in moiré superlattices
Xiao, S. (PI) & Fang, H. (Project Participant)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research
Development of EV aggregator scheduling tool accounting for ancillary service stacking and asset uncertainty through AI tools
Hansen, M. B. (PhD Student), Marinelli, M. (Main Supervisor), Pediaditis, P. (Supervisor) & Unterluggauer, T. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Provision of Grid Services through Aggregation of Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks
Zunino, P. (PhD Student), Marinelli, M. (Main Supervisor), Engelhardt, J. (Supervisor) & Unterluggauer, T. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Geometric Bayesian Deep Learning
Syrota, S. (PhD Student), Hauberg, S. (Main Supervisor) & Winther, O. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Crowd Counting through Remote Sensing
Kristoffersen, O. (PhD Student), Dahl, A. B. (Main Supervisor), Hannemose, M. R. (Supervisor) & Merryman Boncori, J. P. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
HVILHEST: The ecological effect on the brown shrimp population of fishing for juvenile whiting
Mosegaard, H. (Project Coordinator), Pedersen, E. M. (Project Manager), Andersen, N. G. (Project Participant) & Villefrance, M. (Project Participant)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
In situ production of recombinant food proteins
Feller, M. (PhD Student), Sommer, M. O. A. (Main Supervisor), Jahn, L. J. (Supervisor) & Mak, T. S. H. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processing in Cluster States
Bensted, S. J. P. (PhD Student), Neergaard-Nielsen, J. S. (Main Supervisor) & Andersen, U. L. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Physics-Informed and Data-Driven Structural Health Assessment of Offshore Infrastructures
Katsanos, E. (PI), Andersen, M. S. (PI), Caglio, L. (Project Participant) & Schmitt, M. P. (Project Applicant)
01/01/2025 → 30/06/2027
Project: Research
Phase-Field Models for Corrosion Fatigue
Bommavaram, S. T. (PhD Student), Niordson, C. F. (Main Supervisor), Ambat, R. (Supervisor), Poulios, K. (Supervisor) & Martínez-Pañeda, E. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
EURL-AMR: EU Reference Laboratory for Public Health in the field of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in bacteria
Helwigh, B. (Project Manager), Hendriksen, R. S. (CoI), Ribeiro, A. R. L. (Project Participant), Khan, F. A. (Project Participant), Larsen, A. R. (PI), Ekelund, O. (CoI) & Coia, C. W. (Project Manager)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2030
Project: Research
Print2build: Sustainable pathways for large-scale 3D concrete printing
Coelho, L. G. (PI), Breseghello, L. (Project Participant), Thuesen, C. L. (Project Participant) & Johansen, T. (Project Participant)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
New approaches in Marine Ressource Assessment
Vickery, G. (PhD Student), Hvingel, C. (Main Supervisor), Thompson, F. F. (Supervisor) & Zimmerman, F. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Hybrid Energy Solutions: Synergies between EV Charging, Battery Storage, and Grid Services
Reschiglian, T. (PhD Student), Marinelli, M. (Main Supervisor), Engelhardt, J. (Supervisor) & Sevdari, K. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Synthesis of large cyclic polydimethyisiloxane (PDMS) rings
Lukács, Á. (PhD Student), Skov, A. L. (Main Supervisor), Madsen, F. B. (Supervisor) & Brian Gale, C. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Edge Passivation and Advanced Metallization of Solar Cells
Boccardi, R. (PhD Student), Thorsteinsson, S. (Main Supervisor), Alves dos Reis Benatto, G. (Supervisor) & Davidsen, R. S. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Nature-Inspired and Biocompatible Materials for Energy Harvesting in the Gut
Skovborg, G. (PhD Student), Boisen, A. (Main Supervisor), Golafshan, N. (Supervisor) & Kam Guyan, K. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Amino acid optimization of fish feed
The, H. L. N. (PhD Student), Dalsgaard, A. J. T. (Main Supervisor) & Eggink, K. M. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Fire Safety in Biochar Handling and Storage
Hurtado Gozalo, A. (PhD Student), Wu, H. (Main Supervisor), Jensen, P. A. (Supervisor) & Stelte, W. N. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
Detecting and sorting contamination in non-transparent drug products using micro fluidics Raman spectroscopy and machine learning
Sand, J. L. (PhD Student), Kristensen, A. (Main Supervisor), Liu, J. (Supervisor) & Skibsted, E. (Supervisor)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: PhD
PReMaH: Passive nature restoration of marine habitats (115951)
Christensen, H. T. (Project Manager), Dinesen, G. E. (PI), Eigaard, O. R. (Project Participant), Denderen, D. V. (Project Participant), Bekkevold, D. (Project Participant), Nielsen, E. E. (Project Participant), Christensen, A. (Project Participant), Neuenfeldt, S. (Project Participant), Kindt-Larsen, L. (Project Participant) & Rindorf, A. (Project Participant)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2036
Project: Research
Indican-based light-driven blue denim dyeing for low-impact fashion
Qvortrup, K. (PI), Dam-Hansen, C. (Project Participant) & Thorseth, A. (Project Participant)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research