• Goltermann, Per (Project Manager)
  • Kragh-Poulsen, Jens-Christian (PhD Student)

Project Details


The project’s objectives
Arch-shaped concrete structures are commonly used in civil and marine structures, e.g. caissons, silos, tunnels, etc. However, shear capacity formulas for non-shear reinforced concrete in standards and guidelines are based on empirical formulas, which are calibrated on straight concrete members. Those formulas are frequently used for arch-shaped concrete members despite the fact that these formulas are not necessarily applicable to such structures. Moreover, those empirical formulas does not necessarily be applicable on large (thick) structures.

At present, scanty experimental data is available on the strength and behaviour of reinforced arch-shaped concrete members without shear reinforcement subject to shear and bending. Furthermore, knowledge of the influence of crack width and composition of concrete on shear resistance is lacking for all types of structural members. Neither standards nor guidelines are available. Thus, the aim is to improve our general knowledge of the strength of cracked concrete. The overall aim of the project is threefold:

1) To investigate the influence of crack width and concrete composition on shear resistance of cracks.

2) To study the influence of cracks and crack orientations on the structural behaviour of shear dominated members

3) To analyse the shear carrying capacity of non-shear reinforced straight and arch-shaped concrete members (with a special focus on the arch-shaped members).
Effective start/end date01/11/201731/12/2020