Project Details


Overall objective
To contribute to the national research capacity by providing scientific knowledge, solid baseline data, and methodologies to monitor performance of root and tuber (cassava, yam, cocoyam, and sweet potato) value chains in Ghana.
Immediate objectives
To achieve the main objective, the project will address the following immediate objectives:
1. Map out the root and tuber value chain, identify stakeholders and assess the institutional settings (i.e. roles, environmental/economic/social impacts and chain governance issues).
2. To identify and examine socio-economic, production, technological, processing and marketing constraints in specific root and tuber value chains.
3. To develop and test proposals that address technological, processing and marketing constraints faced by actors in the root and tuber sector.
4. To test and improve on existing root and tuber products for convenience and consumer preference.
5. To develop new/novel products from each of the four chosen root and tuber crops to broaden the utilization base of these crops in Ghana.
6. Develop and test business models for the newly developed root and tuber products in existing and new markets.
7. Build research capacities of PhD and MSc students and the business capacities of actors in the root and tuber value chain.
8. To disseminate scientific knowledge obtained from the project through publications, workshops, and conferences, among others.
Effective start/end date01/03/201328/02/2017

Collaborative partners


  • Danida