Irene Rocchi
- Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - Associate Professor
- Geotechnics & Geology
Person: VIP
Eyal Levenberg
- Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - Head of section, Associate Professor
- Geotechnics & Geology
Person: VIP
Gunvor Marie Kirkelund
- Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - Associate Professor
- Materials & Durability
Person: VIP
Niels Henrik Mortensen
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Professor, Head of section
- Engineering Design and Manufacturing systems
Person: VIP
Jens Øllgaard Duus
- Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs - Vice Dean
- Center for Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education - Vice Dean of Education
Person: VIP
Leon Aahave Uhd
- Office for Research, Advice and Innovation - Senior Executive Officer, Energy Sector
Person: VIP
Athanasios Kolios
- Department of Wind and Energy Systems - Professor and Head of section
- Structural Integrity and Loads Assessment
- Wind Energy Materials and Components Division
Person: VIP
Dogan Keles
- Department of Technology, Management and Economics - Professor, Head of section
- Energy Economics and Modelling
- Climate and Energy Policy
Person: VIP
Wenjing (Angela) Zhang
- Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - Professor, Head of Section Water Technology and Processes
- Water Technology & Processes
- DTU Microbes Initiative
Person: VIP
Lena Kitzing
- Department of Wind and Energy Systems - Head of Division
- Wind Energy Systems Division
Person: VIP
Kenneth Thomsen
- Department of Wind and Energy Systems - Head of Division, Wind Turbine Design
- Wind Turbine Design Division
Person: VIP
Erik Damgaard Christensen
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Professor, Head of section
- Fluid Mechanics, Coastal and Maritime Engineering
Person: VIP
Jacob Østergaard
- Department of Wind and Energy Systems - Professor, Head of Division
- Power and Energy Systems
Person: VIP
Jon Spangenberg
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Professor, Head of section
- Digital Building Technologies
Person: VIP
P. N. Psarropoulos
External person
Y. Tsompanakis
External person
Prodromos N. Psarropoulos
External person
M. Blanc
- Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux
External person
L. Thorel
- Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux
External person
L.B. Ibsen
External person
Enrico Paulatto
External person
Pantelis Pateniotis
External person
Ole Hededal
External person
B. M. Lehane
External person
G. Bouckovalas
External person
Y. Tsompartakis
External person
Shiaohuey H. Chow
External person
Y. Karabatsos
External person
Ole Hededal
External person
Konstantinos Spyrakos
External person
D. Kong
External person
Ole Hededal
External person
Mathias Jensen
External person
Achilleas Papadimitriou
External person
L.V. Andersen
External person