12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Tine Hald with the persons below:
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Sara Monteiro Pires
- National Food Institute - Senior Researcher
- Research Group for Risk Benefit
- DTU Microbes Initiative
Person: VIP
Birgitte Helwigh
- National Food Institute - Senior Scientific Officer
- Research Group for Global Capacity Building
Person: VIP
Lea Sletting Jakobsen
- National Food Institute - Senior Researcher
- Research Group for Risk Benefit
Person: VIP
Annette Nygaard Jensen
- National Food Institute - Senior Researcher
- Research Group for Food Microbiology and Hygiene
Person: VIP
Jette Sejer Kjeldgaard
- National Food Institute - Senior Scientific Officer
- Research Group for Global Capacity Building
- DTU Microbes Initiative
Person: VIP
Bjarke Bak Christensen
- Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine - Head of Department
- DTU Microbes Initiative
Person: VIP
Tina Beck Hansen
- National Food Institute - Senior Scientist
- Research Group for Food Microbiology and Hygiene
Person: VIP
Håkan Vigre
- National Food Institute - Associate Professor
- Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology
Person: VIP
Marianne Sandberg
- National Food Institute - Senior Researcher, Head of Research Group
- Research Group for Foodborne Pathogens and Epidemiology
Person: VIP
Jeffrey Edward Skiby
- National Food Institute - Senior Academic Officer
- Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology
Person: VIP