Projects per year
Search results
Havbrug: Environmental impact assessment of Danish off-coast fish farms in or nearby Natura-2000 areas (39839/106199)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Manager), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Timmermann, K. (Project Participant), Taylor, D. (Project Participant), Schmedes, P. S. (Project Participant), Nielsen, M. M. (Project Participant) & Olsen, J. (Project Participant)
01/11/2020 → 30/10/2022
Project: Research
COCKLE II: Sustainable cockle fishery in Limfjorden (39831/104106)
Seabra de Freitas, P. (Project Coordinator), Petersen, J. K. (Project Manager), Saurel, C. (Project Manager), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant) & Olsen, J. (Project Participant)
13/10/2020 → 30/06/2023
Project: Research
Development of blue mussel stock estimates in areas with uneven distributions (39845)
Nielsen, P. (Project Coordinator), Petersen, J. K. (Project Participant), Andersen, L. K. (Project Participant), Meyer, K. D. (Project Participant), Maarbjerg, K. L. (Project Participant), Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant) & Geitner, K. J. (Project Participant)
01/10/2020 → 31/03/2021
Project: Research
Mapping of coastal fisheries and reef monitoring in Danish waters (KORTFISK) (39701)
Svendsen, J. C. (Project Coordinator), Glemarec, G. (Project Manager), Rindorf, A. (Project Participant), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Mosegaard, H. (Project Participant), Wilms, T. (PhD Student), Olsen, J. (Project Participant) & Egekvist, J. (Project Participant)
01/10/2020 → 01/10/2022
Project: Research
KulturMus: Culture banks—Development of new sustainable methods in the mussel fishery (39657/107988)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Saurel, C. (Project Manager) & Nielsen, P. (Project Participant)
01/01/2020 → 31/05/2024
Project: Research
AquaVitae: New species, processes and products contributing to increased production and improved sustainability in emerging low trophic, and existing low and high trophic aquaculture value chains in the Atlantic (39642/107452)
Nielsen, P. (Project Manager), Petersen, J. K. (Project Participant), Mariani, P. (Project Participant), Taylor, D. (Project Participant), Saurel, C. (Project Participant), Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant) & Bak, F. (Project Participant)
01/06/2019 → 31/05/2023
Project: Research
CRANIMPACT: Impact of brown shrimp fishery on benthic habitats (39644/106533)
Nielsen, P. (Project Manager), Andersen, L. K. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant)
01/01/2019 → 31/07/2022
Project: Research
GIGAS-PROCESS: Development of sorting and processing methods for Pacific oysters (39591/104203)
Nielsen, P. (Project Coordinator), Seabra de Freitas, P. (Project Participant) & Petersen, J. K. (Project Participant)
05/12/2018 → 12/11/2020
Project: Research
Other pressure factors in the marine environment than nutrients (39529)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Rindorf, A. (Project Participant), Gislason, H. (Project Participant), Christensen, A. (Project Participant), Eigaard, O. R. (Project Participant), Svendsen, J. C. (Project Participant), Nielsen, T. G. (Project Participant), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Møller, L. F. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, M. M. (Project Participant)
01/03/2018 → 30/06/2019
Project: Research
COCKLE: Sustainable cockle fishery in the Limfjorden (39508/100456)
Saurel, C. (Project Coordinator), Petersen, J. K. (Project Manager), Seabra de Freitas, P. (Project Manager), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Madsen, L. (Project Participant), Hansen, A. (Project Participant), Andersen, L. K. (Project Participant), Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant) & Schrøder, L. (Project Participant)
06/12/2017 → 11/06/2022
Project: Research
GIGAS: Development of strategies for the control of the pacific oysters in Danish waters (39507/106845)
Nielsen, P. (Project Coordinator), Petersen, J. K. (Project Manager), Seabra de Freitas, P. (Project Manager), Saurel, C. (Project Participant), Nielsen, E. E. (Project Participant), Madsen, L. (Project Participant), Hansen, A. (Project Participant), Andersen, L. K. (Project Participant), Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant), Bak, F. (Project Participant), Jensen, J. E. (Project Participant) & Schrøder, L. (Project Participant)
06/12/2017 → 15/02/2023
Project: Research
Mitigation Cultures of Mussels - Ecological Impact
Taylor, D. (PhD Student), Bricker, S. B. (Examiner), Nielsen, T. G. (Examiner), Saurel, C. (Main Supervisor), Nielsen, P. (Supervisor), Petersen, J. K. (Supervisor) & Filgueira, R. (Examiner)
01/05/2017 → 11/02/2021
Project: PhD
BONUS OPTIMUS: Optimization of mussel mitigation cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea (39449/108079)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Saurel, C. (Project Manager), Nielsen, P. (Project Manager), Taylor, D. (PhD Student), Bak, F. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant)
01/04/2017 → 31/03/2020
Project: Research
Impact of mussel dredging on the ecosystem component benthic fauna in Natura 2000 areas (Benthic fauna) (39423)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Manager), Gislason, H. (Project Participant), Eigaard, O. R. (Project Participant), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Brooks, M. E. (Project Participant), Dinesen, G. E. (Project Participant), McLaverty, C. (PhD Student), Olsen, J. (Project Participant), Kristensen, K. (Project Participant), Andersen, L. K. (Project Participant), Bak, F. (Project Participant), Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant) & Barreau, P. D. A. (Project Participant)
01/02/2017 → 31/05/2019
Project: Research
MUMIPRO: Mussel farming—mitigation and protein source for organic husbandry (39424/103260)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Saurel, C. (Project Manager), Nielsen, P. (Project Manager), Taylor, D. (PhD Student), Bak, F. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, N.-P. (Project Participant)
15/01/2017 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
Brown shrimp fishery in the North Sea (39418)
Mosegaard, H. (Project Coordinator), Pedersen, E. M. (Project Participant), Stage, B. (Project Participant), Krekoukiotis, D. (Project Participant), Andreasen, H. (Project Participant), Behrens, J. (Project Participant), Petersen, J. K. (Project Participant), Veicherts, M. (Project Participant), van Deurs, M. (Project Participant), Andersen, N. G. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, P. (Project Participant)
14/09/2016 → 13/12/2018
Project: Research
Management of mussel fishery in Horsens Fjord and Lillebælt (39338)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Canal-Vergés, P. (Project Participant), Nielsen, M. M. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, P. (Project Participant)
26/01/2016 → 14/07/2018
Project: Research
Management plan for development of sustainable fisheries for blue mussels, cockles and oysters in the Danish Wadden Sea (39357)
Nielsen, P. (Project Coordinator), Petersen, J. K. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, M. M. (Project Participant)
11/01/2016 → 14/07/2018
Project: Research
Mussel season prolongation (FOMUS) (39273)
Saurel, C. (Project Manager), Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Nielsen, C. F. (Project Participant), Boesen, H. (Project Participant), Barreau, P. D. A. (Project Participant), Bak, F. (Project Participant), Andersen, L. K. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, P. (Project Participant)
01/04/2015 → 01/06/2018
Project: Research
Development of sustainable mussel production (Idékataloget) (39250)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Canal-Vergés, P. (Project Participant), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Saurel, C. (Project Participant), Nielsen, C. F. (Project Participant), Tørring, D. B. (Project Participant) & Fitridge, I. (Project Participant)
01/01/2014 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
Long-term management plans for mussel production (39121)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Nielsen, P. (Project Manager), Poulsen, L. K. (Project Participant), Geitner, K. J. (Project Participant) & Funk, E. S. (Project Participant)
05/07/2012 → 31/12/2014
Project: Research
Local strenght—strengthening the rural areas, by adding competencies (39086)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Nielsen, C. F. (Project Participant), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Canal-Vergés, P. (Project Participant) & Saurel, C. (Project Participant)
11/01/2010 → 31/10/2013
Project: Research
Production of mussels: Mitigation and feed for husbandry (MUMIHUS) (38790)
Petersen, J. K. (Project Coordinator), Dolmer, P. (Project Manager), Nielsen, P. (Project Participant), Poulsen, L. K. (Project Participant), Nielsen, C. F. (Project Participant) & Landes, A. M. (Project Participant)
01/01/2010 → 30/09/2013
Project: Research