Projects per year
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AI-based control and design of smart electrical vehicle charging infrastructure
Lopez, M. (PhD Student), Dragicevic, T. (Main Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Supervisor), Perez, J. R. R. (Supervisor), Davari, P. (Examiner) & Qin, Z. (Examiner)
01/01/2021 → 30/06/2024
Project: PhD
Application of artificial intelligence in design, control and cyber security of DC Microgrids
Wan, Y. (PhD Student), Dragicevic, T. (Main Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Supervisor), Subroto, R. K. (Supervisor), Anvari-Moghaddam, A. (Examiner) & Vinnikov, D. (Examiner)
01/01/2021 → 07/05/2024
Project: PhD
Development of robust - high efficiency low DC capacitanee converters and motor drives
Yeganeh, M. S. O. (PhD Student), Mijatovic, N. (Main Supervisor), Dragicevic, T. (Supervisor) & Djurovic, S. (Examiner)
01/12/2020 → 30/11/2023
Project: PhD
Machine Learning Aided Design of Hybrid Power Plants and Microgrids
Mardani, M. M. (PhD Student), Dragicevic, T. (Main Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Supervisor), Abarca, M. E. R. (Examiner) & Simões, M. G. (Examiner)
01/11/2020 → 07/05/2024
Project: PhD
Artificial Intelligence Aided Predictive Control of Power Electronic Converters for Distributed Generation Systems, Electric Drivers and Microgrids
Gómez, P. I. (PhD Student), Dragicevic, T. (Main Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Supervisor), Wang, H. (Examiner) & Yang, T. (Examiner)
01/10/2020 → 14/08/2024
Project: PhD
ACTION: ACTIve frOnt-eNds for smart electrical drives
Dragicevic, T. (PI), Zhang, C. (Project Participant), Subroto, R. K. (Project Participant), Mijatovic, N. (Project Participant) & Quiroz, J. (Project Participant)
01/09/2020 → 01/02/2024
Project: Research
Real time dynamic rating condition monitoring of offshore wind farm export systems
Kazmi, S. H. H. (PhD Student), Holbøll, J. (Main Supervisor), Herskind Olesen, T. (Supervisor), Sørensen (fratrådt), T. (Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Examiner), Bracale, A. (Examiner) & Nordström, L. M. (Examiner)
01/01/2018 → 02/06/2021
Project: PhD
Control of Flywheel energy storage in the role of peak power reduction
D'Ambrosio, A. (PhD Student), Turri, R. (Examiner), Terzija, V. (Examiner), Mijatovic, N. (Main Supervisor), Vikelgaard, H. H. (Supervisor) & Holbøll, J. (Examiner)
01/02/2017 → 05/05/2021
Project: PhD
Electric vehicles in the Nordic countries: Control strategies for coordinated grid services
Zecchino, A. (PhD Student), Marinelli, M. (Main Supervisor), Træholt, C. (Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Examiner), Grillo, S. (Examiner), Tjernberg, L. B. (Examiner) & Korpås, M. (Supervisor)
Technical University of Denmark
15/12/2015 → 03/04/2019
Project: PhD
Realistic Lightning Exposure System For Optimized Wid Turbine Reliability
Vogel, S. (PhD Student), Holbøll, J. (Main Supervisor), Madsen, S. F. (Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Examiner), Siew, W. H. (Examiner) & Montaña Puig, J. (Examiner)
15/10/2014 → 15/08/2018
Project: PhD
Direct drive High Temperature Superconducting generators for wind turbine
Song, X. (PhD Student), Mijatovic, N. (Main Supervisor), Holbøll, J. (Supervisor), Jensen, B. B. (Supervisor), Abrahamsen, A. B. (Examiner), Qu, R. (Examiner) & Vanderbemden, P. (Examiner)
01/11/2013 → 14/06/2017
Project: PhD
HTS-GEN: Superconducting generator for large wind turbines
Jensen, B. B. (Project Manager), Mijatovic, N. (Project Participant) & Song, X. (Project Participant)
01/10/2013 → 31/10/2016
Project: Research
Holistic approach in monitoring, diagnosis of faults in modern wind turbines
Skrimpas, G. A. (PhD Student), Holbøll, J. (Main Supervisor), Hansen, C. S. (Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Supervisor), Agelidis, V. (Examiner), Niayesh, K. (Examiner) & Djurovic, S. (Examiner)
01/09/2013 → 23/08/2017
Project: PhD
A novel electric motor drive using NANOPYME magnet for electric vehicle application
Fasil, M. (PhD Student), Mijatovic, N. (Main Supervisor), Holbøll, J. (Supervisor), Jensen, B. B. (Supervisor), Randewijk, P. J. (Examiner), Atallah, K. (Examiner) & Pyrhönen, J. J. (Examiner)
01/03/2013 → 30/09/2018
Project: PhD
Reducing dependency of critical materials in rotating electrical machines by designing for recyclability and reusability
Høgberg, S. (PhD Student), Holbøll, J. (Main Supervisor), Bendixen, F. B. (Supervisor), Jensen, B. B. (Supervisor), Mijatovic, N. (Supervisor), Randewijk, P. J. (Examiner), Polinder, H. (Examiner) & Pérez-Díaz, J. L. (Examiner)
Technical University of Denmark
01/12/2012 → 14/06/2017
Project: PhD
Superconducting Drive Train
Mijatovic, N. (Project Participant) & Jensen, B. B. (Project Manager)
01/05/2012 → 30/04/2015
Project: Research
Superconducting Wind Turbine Generators
Mijatovic, N. (PhD Student), Jensen, B. B. (Main Supervisor), Abrahamsen, A. B. (Supervisor), Træholt, C. (Supervisor), Nielsen, A. H. (Examiner), Masson, P. J. (Examiner) & Polinder, H. (Examiner)
01/05/2008 → 21/08/2012
Project: PhD