6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Maria Matschuk with the persons below:
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Niels Bent Larsen
- Department of Health Technology - Groupleader, Professor
- Cell and Drug Technologies
- Engineered Fluidics and Tissues
Person: VIP
Anders Kristensen
- Department of Health Technology - Head of Sections, Professor
- Optical Sensing and Imaging Systems
- Optofluidics
Person: VIP
Guido Tosello
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Associate Professor
- Manufacturing Engineering
Person: VIP
Hans Nørgaard Hansen
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Head of Department, Professor, PhD, Dr. techn., R.
Person: VIP
Aminul Islam
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Associate Professor, Head of Studies
- Manufacturing Engineering
Person: VIP