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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • Stellar Contamination Correction Using Back-to-back Transits of TRAPPIST-1 b and c

    Rathcke, A. D., Buchhave, L. A., de Wit, J., Rackham, B. V., August, P. C., Diamond-Lowe, H., MendonÇa, J. M., Bello-Arufe, A., López-Morales, M., Kitzmann, D. & Heng, K., 2025, In: The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 979, 10 p., L19.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
  • A 1.9M⨀ Neutron Neutron Star Candidate in a 2-Year Orbit

    El-Badry, K., Simon, J. D., Reggiani, H., Rix, H. W., Latham, D. W., Bieryla, A., Buchhave, L. A., Shahaf, S., Mazeh, T., Chakrabarti, S., Guhathakurta, P., Ilyin, I. V. & Tauris, T. M., 2024, In: Open Journal of Astrophysics. 7, April, 23 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
  • Absence of a correlation between white dwarf planetary accretion and primordial stellar metallicity

    Jenkins, S., Vanderburg, A., Bieryla, A., Latham, D. W., Badenas-Agusti, M., Berlind, P., Blouin, S., Buchhave, L. A., Calkins, M. L., Esquerdo, G. A. & Viaña, J., 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 532, 1, p. 394-410

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
    16 Downloads (Pure)
  • A hot mini-Neptune and a temperate, highly eccentric sub-Saturn around the bright K-dwarf TOI-2134

    Rescigno, F., Hébrard, G., Vanderburg, A., Mann, A. W., Mortier, A., Morrell, S., Buchhave, L. A., Collins, K. A., Mann, C. R., Hellier, C., Haywood, R. D., West, R., Stalport, M., Heidari, N., Anderson, D., Huang, C. X., López-Morales, M., Cortés-Zuleta, P., Lewis, H. M. & Dumusque, X. & 47 others, Boisse, I., Rowden, P., Collier Cameron, A., Deleuil, M., Vezie, M., Pepe, F. A., Delfosse, X., Charbonneau, D., Rice, K., Demangeon, O., Quinn, S. N., Udry, S., Forveille, T., Winn, J. N., Sozzetti, A., Hoyer, S., Seager, S., Wilson, T. G., Dalal, S., Martioli, E., Striegel, S., Boschin, W., Dragomir, D., Martínez Fiorenzano, A. F., Cosentino, R., Ghedina, A., Malavolta, L., Affer, L., Lakeland, B. S., Nicholson, B. A., Foschino, S., Wünsche, A., Barkaoui, K., Srdoc, G., Randolph, J., Guillet, B., Conti, D. M., Ghachoui, M., Gillon, M., Benkhaldoun, Z., Pozuelos, F. J., Timmermans, M., Girardin, E., Matutano, S., Bosch-Cabot, P., Muñoz, J. A. & Forés-Toribio, R., 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 527, 3, p. 5385-5407

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
  • ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science goals, project overview and future developments

    Marconi, A., Abreu, M., Adibekyan, V., Alberti, V., Albrecht, S., Alcaniz, J., Aliverti, M., Prieto, C. A., Gómez, J. D. A., Alves, C. S., Amado, P. J., Amate, M., Andersen, M. I., Antoniucci, S., Artigau, E., Bailet, C., Baker, C., Baldini, V., Balestra, A. & Barnes, S. A. & 269 others, Baron, F., Barros, S. C. C., Bauer, S. M., Beaulieu, M., Bellido-Tirado, O., Benneke, B., Bensby, T., Bergin, E. A., Berio, P., Biazzo, K., Bigot, L., Bik, A., Birkby, J. L., Blind, N., Boebion, O., Boisse, I., Bolmont, E., Bolton, J. S., Bonaglia, M., Bonfils, X., Bonhomme, L., Borsa, F., Bouret, J. C., Brandeker, A., Brandner, W., Broeg, C. H., Brogi, M., Brousseau, D., Brucalassi, A., Brynnel, J., Buchhave, L. A., Buscher, D. F., Cabona, L., Cabral, A., Calderone, G., Calvo-Ortega, R., Cantalloube, F., Martins, B. L. C., Carbonaro, L., Caujolle, Y., Chauvin, G., Chazelas, B., Cheffot, A. L., Cheng, Y. S., Chiavassa, A., Christensen, L., Cirami, R., Cirasuolo, M., Cook, N. J., Cooke, R. J., Coretti, I., Covino, S., Cowan, N., Cresci, G., Cristiani, S., Parro, V. C., Cupani, G., D'Odorico, V., Dadi, K., de Castro Leão, I., De Cia, A., De Medeiros, J. R., Debras, F., Debus, M., Delorme, A., Demangeon, O., Derie, F., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Di Marcantonio, P., Di Stefano, S., Dionies, F., de Souza, A. D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Egner, S., Ehrenreich, D., Faria, J. P., Ferruzzi, D., Feruglio, C., Fisher, M., Fontana, A., Frank, B. S., Fuesslein, C., Fumagalli, M., Fusco, T., Fynbo, J., Gabella, O., Gaessler, W., Gallo, E., Gao, X., Genolet, L., Genoni, M., Giacobbe, P., Giro, E., Gonçalves, R. S., Gonzalez, O. A., Hernández, J. I. G., Gouvret, C., Témich, F. G., Haehnelt, M. G., Haniff, C., Hatzes, A., Helled, R., Hoeijmakers, H. J., Hughes, I., Huke, P., Ivanisenko, Y., Järvinen, A. S., Järvinen, S. P., Kaminski, A., Kern, J., Knoche, J., Kordt, A., Korhonen, H., Korn, A. J., Kouach, D., Kowzan, G., Kreidberg, L., Landoni, M., Lanotte, A. A., Lavail, A., Lavie, B., Lee, D., Lehmitz, M., Li, J., Li, W., Liske, J., Lovis, C., Lucatello, S., Lunney, D., MacIntosh, M. J., Madhusudhan, N., Magrini, L., Maiolino, R., Maldonado, J., Malo, L., Man, A. W. S., Marquart, T., Marques, C. M. J., Marques, E. L., Martinez, P., Martins, A., Martins, C. J. A. P., Martins, J. H. C., Maslowski, P., Mason, C. A., Mason, E., McCracken, R. A., Melo e Sousa, M. A. F., Mergo, P., Micela, G., Milaković, D., Mollière, P., Monteiro, M. A., Montgomery, D., Mordasini, C., Morin, J., Mucciarelli, A., Murphy, M. T., N'Diaye, M., Nardetto, N., Neichel, B., Neri, N., Niedzielski, A. T., Niemczura, E., Nisini, B., Nortmann, L., Noterdaeme, P., Nunes, N. J., Oggioni, L., Olchewsky, F., Oliva, E., Önel, H., Origlia, L., Östlin, G., Ouellette, N. N. Q., Palle, E., Papaderos, P., Pariani, G., Pasquini, L., Castro, J. P., Pepe, F., Peroux, C., Levasseur, L. P., Perruchot, S., Petit, P., Pfuhl, O., Pino, L., Piqueras, J., Piskunov, N., Pollo, A., Poppenhaeger, K., Porru, M., Puschnig, J., Quirrenbach, A., Rauscher, E., Rebolo, R., Redaelli, E. M. A., Reffert, S., Reid, D. T., Reiners, A., Richter, P., Riva, M., Rivoire, S., Rodríguez-López, C., Roederer, I. U., Romano, D., Roth, M., Rousseau, S., Rowe, J., Saccardi, A., Salvadori, S., Sanna, N., Santos, N. C., Diaz, P. S., Sanz-Forcada, J., Sarajlic, M., Sauvage, J. F., Savio, D., Scaudo, A., Schäfer, S., Schiavon, R. P., Schmidt, T. M., Selmi, C., Simoes, R., Simonnin, A., Sivanandam, S., Sordet, M., Sordo, R., Sortino, F., Sosnowska, D., Sousa, S. G., Spang, A., Spiga, R., Stempels, E., Stevenson, J. R. Y., Strassmeier, K. G., Mascareño, A. S., Sulich, A., Sun, X., Tanvir, N. R., Tenegi-Sanginés, F., Thibault, S., Thompson, S. J., Tisserand, P., Tozzi, A., Turbet, M., Véran, J. P., Vallée, P., Vanni, I., Varas, R., Vega-Moreno, A., Venn, K. A., Verma, A., Vernet, J., Viel, M., Wade, G., Waring, C., Weber, M., Weder, J., Wehbe, B., Weingrill, J., Woche, M., Xompero, M., Zackrisson, E., Zanutta, A., Osorio, M. R. Z., Zechmeister, M. & Zimara, J., 2024, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Bryant, J. J., Motohara, K. & Vernet, J. R. (eds.). SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 26 p. 1309613. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 13096).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
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