Professor in Nanotechnology Systems for In situ Electron Microscopy Applications at DTU Nanolab.
Head of the Molecular Windows research group and innovation responsible at DTU Nanolab.
Developing novel microchip-based microscopy methods for high resolution imaging especially for electron microscopes in order to provide new insights into physical, chemical and biological processes on the nanoscale.
CV for Kristian S. Mølhave
Table of Contents:
- Personal Information
- Current and Past Positions
- Education
- Publications, Books & Films
- Conference Organization and talks
- Commercialization and Patents
- Awards
- Research Projects, Funding and Stays
- Supervision
- Teaching
- Reviewing
- Outreach, Committees and other activities
Personal Information:
- Full Name: Kristian Speranza Mølhave
- Living in Taarbæk, near Copenhagen, Denmark
- Mobile phone +45 2512 6672
- Born 1973. Married to Fernanda Speranza Mølhave, one child.
- Primary languages: Danish and English
- Secondary languages: Spanish, German, and French.
- LinkedIn
Current position
Main Research Interest: Developing microchip systems and methods for high resolution imaging with light and especially electron microscopes in order to provide new insights into nanoscale processes in physics, chemistry and life science.
Current position: Professor, Leader of the Molecular Windows research group, and Innovation Responsible at DTU-Nanolab
Past positions
- Since 1.12.2020: Professor and Innovation responsible at DTU Nanolab
- Since 2019: Associate Professor at DTU-Nanolab, National Centre for Nano Fabrication and Characterization
- Since 2009: Founded and leading the Molecular Windows research group, initially at DTU Nanotech. Website:
- Associate Professor and group leader (2008-2019) at DTU-Nanotech, Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, DTU.
- Leader of the strategic research field “Sustainable Nanotechnology” (2013 - 2018) at the Dept. of Micro and Nanotechnology, DTU.
- Assistant Professor at
- DTU-Nanotech (1.4-31.07.2008) in the Nanointegration group, working with electron microscopy of biological and liquid samples.
- MIC, DTU (1.2.07-31.03.2008) in the Optofluidics Group, working with micro and nanooptics.
- MIC, DTU (1.2.05-1.2.07) working on nanowire integration in microsystems, a 2-year "talent project"; NAMIC granted by the FTP.
- MIC, DTU. (1.7-30.9.04) working on nanomanipulation. - Part time E-Learning consultant working at LearningLab DTU, developing IT solutions for teaching (1.9.2010 - 01.01.2012).
- Post Doc at the Nanometer Consortium at the Solid State Physics Department, Lund University (1.10-31.12.04).
- Research assistant at
- Division Microrobotics and Control Engineering (AMiR), University of Oldenburg, Germany (1.2-1.5.04). Worked on in-situ SEM nanomanipulation systems for the ASSEMIC project.
- Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus (1.7.00-1.2.01), working at the Ion Trap Group with Michael Drewsen on a pulse excited linear Paul trap.
- University of Konstanz and University of Düsseldorf, Germany (1.2-1.5.00) in the Quantum Optics and Relativity Group of Prof. S. Schiller. Worked on the construction of an ion trap for molecular ions. - Parental leave 9 weeks 2019
Further education
- Leadership education
- Paedagogical education
- Education in University Teaching at DTU, UDTU.
- DTU-SVUD education for supervision of assistant professors
Publications, Films & Books
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Films & Books
- Book chapter in "Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy" (DOI) edited by Frances Ross.
- Book chapter in "Controlled Atmosphere Transmission Electron Microscopy" (DOI) edited by Thomas W. Hansen & Jakob B. Wagner
- Book chapter "Droplet based cavities and lasers" by K Mølhave, A Kristensen, N A Mortensen, in "Advanced photonic structures for biological chemical sensing" by Springer (Editor: Xudong Fan)
- Book chapter 'Nanoteknologi i Billeder' on Nanoscale Microscopy, in 'Nanoteknologiske Horisonter' p. 15-31. By J B Wagner, K Mølhave, J H Nielsen, R Dunin-borkowski
- Worked on several projects e.g. The Teachers Toolbox about teaching methods.
- “Nanoværkstedet” (The nanoworkshop) Naturens Verden No 11/12 38-53 (2004) by P Bøggild and K Mølhave.
- DVD: IndiensPortalen - funded by the Danish Ministry of Education. An educational DVD containing 2 documentaries, where I contributed as cameraman, coproducer and the DVD layout. Mumbai Mosaic 2003 (60 min), Kurveflettere og murstensarbejdere (10 min). The DVD is a part of the project "Portal To India" for high school level education about India (
- Book: "Non-Harming - the Jain Art of Living" by A. Gangar, K. Gangar, B. Mølhave and K. Mølhave. Published by Systime 1999, funded by the Danish Ministry of Education. See
- Produced various videos mainly for introductions and teaching, for the Institute of Environmental and Occupational medicine, Aarhus (1996).
- Six documentaries on Hinduism and life in contemporary India by B. Mølhave and K. Mølhave, published by Systime 1995, funded by the Danish Ministry of Education.
Conference organization
- CISCEM 2021 Conference organizer with Niels De Jonge and Damien Alloyeau ~100 participants in Paris, France.
- EMC2020 member of organizing committee. Moved to August 2024 due to Covid-19.
- Member of organizing commitee for Grøn Dyst - DTUs student conference on green technology (ca 300 participants), 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
- Sustain Summit 2018, DTU, Founder, Conference chair and project leader
- CISCEM 2018 Conference organizer with Niels De Jonge and Damien Alloyeau ~100 participants, Saarbrucken, Germany.
- Scandem 2018 scientific committee member and session chair.
- 2017 Founder, chair and organizer Sustain 2017 DTU with 350+ participants
- 2016 conference organizer Sustain DTU with 250 participants
- 2016 conference organizer with Niels De Jonge CISCEM 2016 ~100 participants, Saarbrucken, Germany.
- 2015 Founder, Main organizer of Sustain DTU with ~340 participants.
- 2015 coorganizer of MRS fall 2015 Symposium L : Nanofunctional Materials, Nanostructures and Nanodevices for Biomedical Applications
- 2014 Founder and main Organizer of Sustain DTU with ~230 participants
- 2014 conference organizer with Niels De Jonge CISCEM 2014, Saarbrucken, Germany.
- 2013 Conference co-organizer Scandem 2013. Chaired sessions on “SEM and Dual Beam” and “In-situ Microscopy”
- 2008 Organizer/Chair of the workshop "Explorative Electron Microscopy of Nanoparticles in Cells - targeted labelling, therapy, and toxicology" at the Scandem 2008 conference.
Conference Talks
- 2024 GRC Italy (Invited Speaker, opening talk)
- 2023 IMC S: Korea, (Invited Speaker), Session Chair., Salve Symposium, Ulm, Germany (Invited speaker)
- 2022 GRC conference on Liquid phase electron microscopy, USA (Discussion leader)
- 2022 Microscopy and Microanalysis 2022 (invited)
- 2020 GRC conference on Liquid phase electron microscopy, Italy (invited)
- 2018 Microscopy and Microanalysis 2018 (two invited talks); AAU (invited); IDA (invited); DRHTC conference (invited)
- 2017 LPEM conference 2017 Eindhoven (Invited); Iamnano2017 Singapore (invited); KAIST (Invited); Nanowire week, Lund.
- 2016 European Microscopy conference 2016
- 2015 NTNU; Oak ridge national laboratory, USA (invited); Aarhus University;
- 2914 Danish electrochemical society (invited); TuE (invited)
- 2013 Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013, Indianapolis USA (invited), Scandem 2013, CPHU (invited);
- 2012 In Situ Microscopy workshop 2012, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (invited)
- 2011: FEMMS 2011, Ca, USA (Invited).
- 2010: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010, Portland, Oregon, USA (Invited).
- Public lecture on national TV ' Danskernes Akademi' (invited)
- 2007: Microscopy and Microanalysis M&M2007, Ft. Lauderdale USA (Invited); and at Southern Danish University (Invited).
- 2006: CPHU (Invited); Veeco User Meeting, Goteborg (Invited); EBID workshop, Delft.
- 2005: Nano2life NBDA conference, Grenoble, France (Invited); Danish Physical Society Annual Meeting; Copenhagen university (Invited); Århus University (Invited).
- 2003: Talk at Clemson University, USA (Invited).
Commercialization and Patents
- Insight Chips Aps. Started 2022. Cofounder with Emil C.S. Jensen and Murat Yesibolati.
- Patents
- Patent WO2006046924 by Kristian Molhave & Nanofactory AB. Sold to Nanofactory AB: WO2006046924-A1; US2007278420-A1; US7586105-B2, “Nano or micro gripping device for transmission electron microscope”.
- Patent WO2013037951-A1 “Method of depositing catalyst” by R. Wierzbicki, P.Bøggild and K. Mølhave.
- PCT Applications
- EP2626884-A1 on “Microfluidic chip for transmission electron microscopy…” by K Molhave and E Jensen
- 2013 EP 13191268.5 / DTU no 92982 by A Ghazal, K Molhave, W Svendsen.
- Notifications of inventions (NOI) evaluated by DTU
- Past NOIs: No 2006-1614-00326, No 92596, No 92594, No 92982, No 96046, No 92591
- NOI in progress at DTU: No 96305 under evaluation, No 96357 taken over by DTU.
- 2020 Corrits Award (Corrits rejse legat) 10 000 DKK for contributions to DTU
- 2016 The Statoil price for Research achievements in Electron Microscopy of 100 000 DKK (news)
- 2003 The McKinsey & Company Initiative Award of 10 000 DKK for starting the Science Show
Research Projects & Funding
- Villum experiment grant 2023 "Imaging the Driving Force in Electrochemistry", 2 MDkk.
- Project Grant in Natural and Technical Sciences 2022, 3 Mio Dkk, Nanofluidic Electron Diffraction
- Villum experiment grant 2019 " A Microscopic View on Aerosols and Climate Change", 2 MDKK, with Anders Brostrøm.
- Joint Research Project with Nestor Zaluzec, U.Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. Post Doc 2019 and 2020.
- DFF Sapere Aude project "LiquidEM - Electron microscopy of processes in liquids". Project leader, supervisor of post docs and phds. (2013-2018). Budget 0.9 Mio Euro. Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Case No. 12-126194.
- DHRTC sprint project 2018 on microfluidics for EOR, 6 month Post Doc.
- Danish Nanosafety Centre II, led by Prof. Ulla Vogel. Member of steering committee and main supervisor of PhD student on developing aerosol characterization measurements. Funded by the Danish Work Research Foundation.
- Danish Nanosafety Centre I, led by Prof. Ulla Vogel. Member of steering committee and main supervisor of PhD student on aerosol measurements. Funded by the Danish Work Research Foundation ca. 4 Mio euro;.1.5.2012-30.4.2015), .
- FTP Project "Nano-Live" on Imaging Nanoelectronics Live by Transmission Electron Microscopy. Project leader, supervisor of post doc and phd. Budget: 5.7Mdkk, (1.1.11-31.12.14) Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Case No. 10-082797
- EU project "FP7-Nanolyse" - Nanoparticles in Food: Analytical methods for detection and characterisation (01.01.2010-30.09.2013), - Co-supervising PhD student.
- EU project FP7-Technotubes (Technology for Wafer-Scale Carbon Nanotube Applications) (2009-2012) - Grant agreement no.: CP-IP 228579-1- Main supervisor PhD student.
- EU project FP7-NMP-2007-SMALL "NanoScale - Understanding interactions between cells and nanopatterned surfaces". (1.7.08-1.7.11). Member of steering committee and leader of DTUs workpackages, main and co-supervisor of PhD students.
- FTP Talentprojekt "Characterization and Fabrication of Nanowire-Microstructure devices"; Project leader. Budget: 200.000 euro;, (1.2.05-1.2.07) Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Case No. 26-04-0258.
- PhD project funding outside larger research projects, as main supervisor
- PhD Project Sofie Tidemand-Lichtenberg 2022-2025.
- PhD project Tayyaba Malik 2020-2023
- PhD project Mads S. Larsen 2020-2023
- PhD on III-V nanowire insitu TEM 2018-2021 funded by Lund University and DTU Photonics. Christopher R. Andersen.
- PhD on in-situ Liquid cell TEM Funded by DTU, with Nanyang Tech. Uni. 2015-2018. Murat Yesibolati.
- PhD "Imaging Cells interactions with Nanostructures" with NFA. Karsten Købler.
- PhD "Nanoscale Imaging of the Aqueous Processes of Precipitation, Dispersion, and Imbibition" Funded by DTU Chemistry, DTU Nanotech and DTU Center for electron nanoscopy, 2014-2017. Simone Lagana.
- PhD from DTU Center for Electron Nanoscopy (2009-2012), "Electron Microscopy of Liquid Processes", Eric Jensen .
Research Projects performed in my group
- Murat Yesibolati: Villum experiment grant 2020-2022
Research Stays Abroad - International experience
- 2019 Repeated visits to Kemicentrum, Lund University to perform III-V nanowire growth in situ TEM with Prof. Kimberly Thelander.
- 2017 Visit to IBM Yorktown with Frances M Ross to perform III-V Nanowire growth in situ TEM.
- 2016-17, repeated visits to MaxLabIV synchrotron, Sweden, to perform graphene device photoelectron microscopy (PEEM) with Prof. Anders Mikkelsen and Alexei Zakharov.
- 2013-17 Within the framework of the Innovation Workshop I have been running with DTU partner universities, I have stayed and collaborated with many groups to explore smaller partly experimental student projects at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA.
- 2014 Visit to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, to perform liquid cell TEM with Raymond Unocic.
- 2009 Visit to NMI Reutlingen to perform biological cryo FIB-SEM
- 2005-9 Repeated visits and collaboration with Prof. Lars Samuelson and the Nanometer Consortium at Lund University on III-V Nanowire growth.
- 2002 Visit to Prof. Rodney Ruoff's Group at Northwestern University, USA, to develop nanomanipulation methods.
- 2003, Visit to Prof. Richard Superfine's group at North Carolina, USA, to perform nanomanipulation and AFM in SEM.
Assist. Prof.
- Murat Yesibolati 2022-ongoing
Post doc Supervision:
- Ebrahim Chalangar 2024-2026
- Mads S Larsen 2024
- Elisabetta Maria Fiordaliso 2021-2022
- Anders Brostrøm 2020-2022
- Murat Yesibolati 2018-2022
- Hongyu Sun 2015-2018
- Eric Jensen 2012 – 2014
- Duc The Ngo 2013-2014
- Rafal Wierzbicki 2014-2015
Main Supervisor of Ph.D. students:
- Joakim Lajer 2023-2026
- Sofie Tidemand-Lichtenberg 2022-2025
- Tayyaba Malik 2020-2023
- Mads Søndergaard Larsen 2020-2023
- Christopher Andersen 2018-2021 with Kimberly Thelander, Lund University and Nika Akopian, DTU Photonics, "Live TEM imaging of Nanowire growth and device dynamics"
- Wei Huang 2017-2020 with Jingdong Zhang "Metal-organic frameworks derived non-noble metal catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells".
- Anders Brostrøm 2016-2019 with NFA
- Murat Nulati Yesibolati 2015-2018 with Poul Norby and Harry Hoster (TUM Create/NTU)
- Simone Lagana 2014-2017 with Erling Stenby and Andy Burrows.
- Silvia Canepa 2014-2017 with Jens Ulstrup and Jakob Wagner.
- Rolf Erling Robberstad Møller-Nilsen 2012-2015 with Poul Norby and Jakob Wagner “In situ TEM studies of battery processes”
- Marcus Levin 2012-2015 with Ismo Kalevi Koponen and Keld Alstrup Jensen “Udvikling af on-line målinger af nanopartikler i luft og eksponeringsmålinger i arbejdsmiljøet.”
- Carsten Købler 2011-2014 with Ulla Vogel and Klaus Qvortrup.
- Sardar Bilal, 2011-2014, with Ole Hansen, "In-situ TEM studies of nanoelectronics"
- Rafal Wierzbicki, 2009-2012 with Peter Bøggild, "Carbon based nanomaterials for electrochemical measurements on cells"
- Eric Jensen, 2009-2012 with Rafal Dunin-Borkowski, "Electron Microscopy of Liquid Processes "
- Cristian Gradinaru, 2008-2011 with Henrik Flyvbjerg, "Modeling and Understanding Complex Motion".
Co-Supervision of Ph.D. students:
- PhD in ERC StG By Søren Bredmose "High-temperature Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Transmission electron microscopy on energy materials (HEIST)"
- PhD at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2020-2022). Hiring in progress.
- Abdelali Khelfa, 2018-2021 with Damien Alloyeau CNRS – Paris Diderot University.
- Filippo Pizzocchero 2011-2013, co-supervisor,"Graphene as electrodes for molecular electronics" with Peter Bøggild.
- Agnieszka Dudkiewicz 2010-2014, co-supervisor."Nanoparticles in Food: Electron microscopy methods for detection and characterisation"
- Joanna Lopacinska, 2008-2011 with Martin Dufva and Jenny Emneus, "Biocompatibility studies of cells grown in close proximity of nanostructures in cell culture chips"
- Christian Kallesøe, 2006-2009 with Peter Bøggild, "Integration of molecular electronics in microsystems by epitaxially grown nanowires"
- Özlem Sardan, 2006-2009 with Peter Bøggild, "Design and Fabrication of Microactuators for Nanomanipulation"
Supervision Masters Students
- Hussein Abukar Hussein 2023 "Microfabrication and Testing of Nanochannels for Single-Particle Catalysis"
- Yuxuan Zhang 2023 "Development of a Temperature Controlled Chip-based Nanochannel System for Liquid
Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy" - Emil Christian Stillhoff Jensen 2019 "Electron microscopy in nanochannel chips"
- Sofie Colding-Jørgensen 2017 "Graphene Windows for TEM in-situ Cells"
- Jeppe Ormstrup 2016 "Insitu TEM and X-ray Nano Tomography of Anode Materials in Batteries"
- Jeppe Søbye 2016 "A method to investigate ice formation in concrete air voids"
- Esben Kirk Mikkelsen 2016 "Microfluidic chip for cryo-electron microscopy"
- Aage Andreas Sloth Nilausen 2015 “Suspended Nanowire Devices”
- Lean G Pedersen, 2012, Characterization of SiNW by SEM and Impedance with Winnie Svendsen and Karen Martinez
- Carsten Købler, 2011, Scanning electron microscopy of cells and liquid samples
- Thomas Kjøller Nellemann, 2009, Electron Microscopy of frozen events in liquids
- Martin Toft Madsen, 2009, Microscopy of Cells on Nanostructured Substrates
- Lixia Wang, 2006 Polymer Thin-film's Thickness Measurements by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Christan Kallesøe, 2006, Nanogap structures for molecular electronics
- Dirch Hjort Petersen, 2006 High aspect ratio silicon beam fabrication and large scale nanowire integration
- Søren Dohn, 2003, Investigation of mechano-electrical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Diploma Students
- Nilab 2024
Supervision of BSc students
- Jonathan Taagaard Nielsen 2023
- Michael Beck 2014 "Development of System for Generating Agglomerate Test Aerosols"
- Sofie Colding-Jørgensen 2014 “Development of Methods for In-situ Observations of Copper Plating and Dissolution”
- Sigurd Truelsen 2012 “Fabrication and test of microelectrode array devices” with Arto Heiskanen and Rafal Wierzbicki
- Claus Agerskov 2012 “Development of microelectrode cantilever array devices for electrophysiological measurements” With Jens Midtgaard and Rafal Wierzbicki.
- Aage Andreas Sloth Nilausen 2012 “Microfabricated Chips for In- situ TEM Microscopy”
- Søren Matthias Goldschmidt, 2010, Alge Mikrokultur System,
- Niels Brehm Nielsen, 2010, Microfluidic gradient generator
- Mikkel Ravn Boye Jensen, 2010, Optimizing Cell Embedding for FIB-SEM
- Christian Fink Elkjær and Jakob Lyager Rasmussen, 2009, Fabrication and Test of Chips for Electron Microscopy of Processes in Liquids
- University Teaching
- ongoing since 2017 Teaching liquid phase TEM in the Course Nano-2
- 2013-2019: “Innovation Workshop” 5 ECTS. Course responsible. Collaborative university course with contributions from DTU, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore); KAIST (Korea), University of Queensland (Australia).
- 2012-2019: DTU Course 33323 Nano-1: Introduction to nanotechnologi, 5 ECTS. Course responsible.
- 2014-2020: Teacher in DTU Course 42348 Sustainable development of emerging technologies, 5 ECTS. With Stig Irving Olsen
- 2017: Teacher of sustainability aspects in the Global entrepreneurship camp at Startup KAIST.
- 2012-13: Teacher in DTU course 42343 Nanotechnology, design, society and environment, 5 ECTS, with Stig Irving Olsen; Michael Søgaard Jørgensen.
- 2011-13: Teacher and co-responsible for the course Supervision of larger projects for BSc/MSc/PhD supervisors, with Miriam Godskesen.
- 2010: Developed an ½ year 5 ECTS introductory course on electrochemistry "Potential applications of current electrochemical methods in micro- and nanotechnology", teaching together with Arto Heiskanen, for a group of 5 PhD students at DTU Nanotech.
- 2005-6: Developed and taught "Nanooptics" in the Course "Nano2" at DTU (2005, with K N Andersen, 2006 with K.N Andersen and P. U Jensen). - Lectures
- Yearly 2007-11, at Aarhus University Hospital, on "Design, production and testing of imaging probes" in the Ph.D. course "Molecular Imaging and Therapy"
- Yearly 2012-18, on "In situ electron microsocpy to study chemical processes" in the DTU course 26126 Nanochemistry at DTU Chemistry. - Additional Teaching experience
- Peer-coaching of UDTU participants
- English teacher at various schools in Wuhan City, China (3 months 1995).
- Taught conversation classes IALI English Institute, Argentina (6 months 1995).
- Project Reviewer for
- Publication Reviewer for Nature Communications, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Small, PNAS and several other journals.
- Position Reviewer for
- Assistant Prof. positions at Southern Danish Uni., Aarhus Uni., DTU;
- Assoc. Prof positions at Southern Danish Uni., DTU.
- Post Doc at Aarhus Uni.
- Member of 10 PhD evaluation committees (chairman on about half).
- Censor on MSc (AAU,2020; AAU, 2020) and courses (Waves and Optics, AU, 2012)
- Started - an initiative for developing receiving high school students for a hands-on nanotechnology learning experience at DTU, and working towards developing new teaching material for highschools on nanotechnology.
- Lectures at Folkeuniversitetet (Peoples Univresity of Copenhagen) in the lecture series "Nanotechnology and humans", giving an introductory overview lecture "Hands-on Nanotechnology" with many hands-on experiments for the participants (yearly 2012-17).
- Started the DTU Science Show - and outreach project run by students supported by DTU. See More than 40.000 spectators by 2012 and many more since then.
- Started the Physics Show at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus, together with Klaus Seiersen. See More than 100.000 spectators by 2016 and many more since then.
Committees & other activities
- Representing DTU in the scientific council for, the Danish National Encyclopedia and research based knowledge resource site.
- Member of advisory board for DTU Scienceshow
- Coach in DTUs coach corps, offering coaching to employees (2012-14)
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):