Mirza Karamehmedovic
- Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - Associate Professor
- Scientific Computing
Person: VIP
Ken Haste Andersen
- National Institute of Aquatic Resources - Professor, Head of section
- Centre for Ocean Life
- DTU Microbes Initiative
Person: VIP
Axel Thielscher
- Department of Health Technology - Professor, Head of section
- Magnetic Resonance
- Neurophysics
Person: VIP
Yiqiu Dong
- Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - Associate Professor
- Scientific Computing
Person: VIP
Hassan Yazdanian
External person
Bjørn C.S. Jensen
External person
Tanja Tarvainen
External person
Bjørn Jensen
External person
Adrian Kirkeby
External person
Bangti Jin
External person
Guillaume Bal
External person
Simon Hubmer
External person
Bjørn Jensen
External person
V P Krishnan
External person