Projects per year
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TRAWL-ILT: Seabed impacts from trawling in oxygen depleted areas (115102)
Eigaard, O. R. (Project Coordinator), Christensen, H. T. (Project Manager), Dinesen, G. E. (Project Participant), Rindorf, A. (Project Participant), Stedmon, C. (Project Participant), Christensen, A. (Project Participant), van Deurs, M. S. K. (Project Participant), Hansen, J. (Project Participant), Trap-Lind, A. (Project Participant), Egekvist, J. (Project Participant), Olsen, J. (Project Participant) & Hansen, A. D. (Project Participant)
01/10/2024 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
HjertFisk: Improved knowledge and management of a new cockle fishery in the Limfjorden (113494)
Seabra de Freitas, P. (PI), Saurel, C. (Project Participant), Petersen, J. K. (Project Participant), Madsen, L. (Project Participant), Lindegren, M. (Project Participant) & Olsen, J. (Project Participant)
11/01/2024 → 11/01/2027
Project: Research
FISHMAP: Fish distribution and its role in fisheries management advice and marine spatial planning (113505)
Mildenberger, T. (Project Coordinator), Nielsen, A. (Project Participant), Rindorf, A. (Project Participant), van Deurs, M. S. K. (Project Participant), Berg, C. W. (Project Participant), Hüssy, K. (Project Participant), Brown, E. J. (Project Participant), Olsen, J. (Project Participant), Stounberg, J. (Project Participant) & Schiønning, M. K. (Project Participant)
31/10/2023 → 11/01/2027
Project: Research
REDUCE GAS SHRIMP: Reduced climate gas emissions in the brown shrimp fishery (113065)
Pedersen, E. M. (Project Coordinator), O'Neill, B. (PI), Malta, T. A. M. D. V. (PI), Mosegaard, H. (PI), Christensen, A. (Project Participant) & Olsen, J. (Project Participant)
05/09/2023 → 22/11/2026
Project: Research