Publications per year
Publications per year
Energivej, 409, 123
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Revised: 2017-04-05
Jacob Steen Møller
Date of Birth
18 December 1954
Wife: Heidi Alsing
Children: Anne Alsing (1981) and Peter Bjørn Alsing (1984)
Address, work
Campus Service (Facilities and Real Estate)
Technical University of Denmark, DTU
Nils Koppels Alle 402
DK 2800 Kongens Lyngby
+45 4525 1303
Address, private
Wergelands Alle 15
DK 2860 Søborg
+45 4098 0399
Key competences
Appointments and elections
Short courses
International experience
Management, supervision, collaborative research and business development for a number of projects undertaken in: Greenland 2003-date, 1990, and 1981-84, India (various cities) 1999-2008, Azerbaijan (Baku) 2003, Saudi Arabia (Damman) 2002, Panama (Colón, Panamá City) 2001, China (Shanghai) 2001 and 1994, Viet Nam (Ha Noi) 1999, Costa Rica (San Jose) 1999, Venezuela (Maracaibo) 1998, Indonesia (Bali) 1997, Algeria (Algers) 1993, Chile (various cities) 1991 and in several cities in Europe and USA.
Year |
Firm |
Position and responsibilities |
2009 – date |
Technical University of Denmark, DTU |
Director of Facilities. |
2003 – 2009 |
Technical University of Denmark, DTU |
Director, Department of Civil Engineering |
2003 – 2003 |
DHI Water & Environment |
Director, Marine and Coastal Division, MED |
2000 – 2002 |
DHI Water & Environment |
Director, Water Environment and Informatics Division, WEI |
1997 – 1999 |
Danish Hydraulic Institute, DHI |
Director, Marine Environment Division, MED |
1989 – 1996 |
Danish Hydraulic Institute, DHI |
Head of Coastal and Environmental Department, CED |
1984 – 1989 |
Danish Hydraulic Institute, DHI |
Hydraulic Engineer. Research and application within stratified flow. |
1986 – 1988 |
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Institute of Hydrodynamics. and Hydraulic Engineering, ISVA |
External lecturer. |
1983 |
Greenex A/S mining company in Greenland |
Hydraulic Engineer |
1981 – 84 |
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering, ISVA |
PhD student Research in environmental hydraulics and arctic oceanography. |
Projects and assignments
Year |
Project |
Position and responsibilities |
2009 – date |
Strategic management for DTU’s campus development |
Director of Facilities |
2007 – 2010 |
Femern Belt Link hydrographic investigations |
Specialist consultancy for the link owner: |
2009 – 2010 |
Nord Stream Gas Pipe Line hydrographic impact on Baltic Sea |
Consultancy related to permission from authorities in Sweden |
2009 |
Understanding and Controlling Wind-Induced Vibrations of Bridge Cables. Client: Femern Belt Link |
Project supervisor |
2009 |
Extension of Monaco into the Sea: Mission Urbanisation en Mer. |
Specialist consultancy for: Departement de L’Équipement de L’Énvironement et de L’Úrbanisme, Monaco |
2007 – 2009 |
International Research School at DTU Civil Engineering, IRS@BYG |
PhD-school leader
2004 – 2009 |
Strategic management for DTU Civil Engineering |
Head of Department |
2003 |
Køge Harbour, Contaminated soil depot and Beach Parks, Denmark. EIA and reference project analysis. |
Project Director |
2003 |
EKOFISK decommissioning study for ConocoPhillips, Norway. |
Project Director |
2001 – 2003 |
DHI-India PVT. LTD. |
Founding Director and member of Board of Directors. Home office management of DHI’s subsidiary in India. |
2001 – 2003 |
DHI’s strategic R&D project: Operational Water Forecasting. |
Project Director |
1998 - 2003 |
DHI-España S.A. |
Home office Director for establishment and management of DHI’s subsidiary in Spain. |
1999 - 2003 |
Farvandsmodel: Operational Numerical 3D model for the Danish Waters, for the Ministry of Environment, Denmark |
Project Director |
2001 |
Hydraulic and Environmental Studies for Fresh Water Reservoir, Port Blair, Andaman Islands, India |
Project Supervisor |
2000 - 2001 |
Caspian Sea Environmental Programme, Institutional Strengthening in 4 countries around the Caspian Sea. For TACIS, EU. |
Project Supervisor and member of JV committee for ERM-LI, DHI and BOPA joint venture. |
1998 - 2001 |
DHI’s strategic project: New NumericalSolution Engines for DHI software |
Responsible Director. |
2000 |
Merger of DHI and VKI |
Responsible Director for merger of two DHI and VKI divisions and development of strategy for new Water Environment and |
2000 |
Fynsværket Power Plant Denmark Environmental Impact Assessment |
Project Supervisor |
1999 - 2000 |
Danish Offshore Wind Parks, Environmental Impact Assessment |
Project Supervisor for hydrographic and sediment investigations. |
1998 - 2000 |
Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. Salinity and Water Quality Rehabilitation Study |
Project Supervisor for 3D numerical modelling |
1990 - 2000 |
The Øresund Link, Denmark/Sweden |
Project Director. Responsible for all DHI’s studies for the Øresund Link: numerical modelling, field monitoring and laboratory experiments. |
1995 - 1999 |
Fehmarn Belt Link, Feasibility Study for Germany/Denmark Link Hydrographic and ecological studies |
Director for Fehmarn Belt Environmental Consultants (FEC) consisting of DHI, LIC, VKI and Institut für Ostseeforschung. |
1985 - 1999 |
The Great Belt Link, Denmark. EIA and design of zero impact solution. Numerical and physical modelling. |
Project Director. Responsible for DHI’s environmental consultancy for The Great Belt Link. Numerical modelling, field monitoring and laboratory experiments. |
1997 |
Århus Havn, Denmark. Environmental Impact Assessment for large expansion of the harbour |
Project Supervisor. |
1996 - 1997 |
Bali Turtle Island Development Project, Indonesia. Feed Back Monitoring of marine dredging and reclamation |
Project Supervisor. |
1993 - 1997 |
DYNOCS. Dynamics of Connecting Seas. EEC-MAST Research Project |
Project Co-ordinator for EU-MAST project. Participation from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway |
1994 - 1996 |
Shanghai, China. Sewage Water Discharge Project. Analysis of sewage water outlet structure and environmental effects of outlet. 3D-modelling. |
Project Supervisor. |
1994 |
Istanbul, Turkey. Sewage Discharge. 3D modelling and monitoring of sewage water discharge to Bosporus Strait. |
Project Supervisor. |
1993 |
Algers harbour, Algeria. Evaluation of relocation of cooling water outlet in Algers harbour. |
Project Manager. |
1992 |
Koggala Outfall, Sri Lanka. Sewage outlet design. |
Consultant for Lanka Hydraulic Institute. |
1991 |
Coal terminal, El Ferrol, Galicia, Spain. Hydrographic survey followed by numerical modelling of transport and dispersion of coal dust. |
Project Manager. |
1991 |
Port Rehabilitation Program, Chile. Environmental impact assessment. Rehabilitation projects for three ports in Chile for the World Bank. |
Expert mission for World Bank. |
1990 |
Pollution study, Greenland. Development of a numerical model for heavy metals transport in the fjords around the lead mine in Maarmorilik. |
Project Supervisor. |
1988 |
Statens Vegvesen Hordaland, Norway. Physical and numerical two layer flow modelling of hydrographic effects of the floating bridge across Salhus Fjord. |
Project Manager. |
1986 |
Bosporus Rail Tunnel, Turkey. Appraisal study on the hydrographic effects of a tunnel across the Bosporus Strait two-layer flow. |
Consultant. |
1986 |
Ensted Power Plant, Aabenraa, Denmark. Hydrographic basis for water quality study. Evaluation of environmental impact of cooling water disposal. |
Project Manager. |
1984 - 86 |
Mathematical models of jets and plumes (NEWJET). Research project on mathematical modelling of buoyant discharges into a flowing ambient fluid. |
Project Manager. |
1985 |
Assessment of impact on marine ecology, Galicia, Spain. Mathematical modelling of water pollution conditions in 5 rias. |
Project Manager. |
1985 |
Water Pollution Study, Jammerland Bugt, Denmark. Hydrographic survey and mathematical modelling of water quality for studying alternative disposal schemes. |
Project Manager. |
1981 - 84 |
Hydrography of an Arctic Fjord, Greenland (PhD. Thesis). Research on Arctic fjord hydrography, long-term field measurements, laboratory experiments and mathematical modelling. |
PhD student. |
1983 |
Marine tailings disposal, Greenland. Development of a mathematical model for mine tailings solids depositing. |
Hydraulic engineer. |
1982 - 83 |
Technical University of Denmark |
Supervisor for M.Sc. theses on environmental hydraulics. |
1980 |
Inst. Ocean Sciences, B.C., Canada, and University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. Field measurements in the Frazer River Estuary. |
Research trainee |
Journal papers
Møller, J.S., N.-E. Ottesen Hansen, and F. Jakobsen: Mixing in stratified flow caused by obstacles. Journ. of Marine Environmental Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1 pp. 97-111. 1997.
Jakobsen, F., M.J. Lintrup and J.S. Møller.: Observations of the specific resistance in the Øresund. Nordic Hydrology, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 217-232. 1997.
Møller, J.S. and I. Sehested Hansen: Hydrographical Processes and Changes in the Baltic Sea. Dana: Special issue fish and fisheries in the Baltic. 1994.
Farmer, D. and J.S. Møller: Measurements and Modelling in the Great Belt: A Unique Opportunity for Model Verification. The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits. L. Pratt (ed.) NATO ASI series C. Vol. 318. Kluwer 1990.
Ottesen Hansen, N.E. and J.S. Møller: Zero Blocking Solution for the Great Belt Link. The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits. L. Pratt (ed.) NATO ASI series C. Vol. 318. Kluwer 1990.
Møller, J.S. and N-E. Ottesen Hansen: The Great Belt Link Compensations dredging design. Dredging and Port Construction, Journal 1988:15:7.
Pedersen, Fl. Bo and J.S. Møller: Diversion of the River Neva. How will it Influence the Baltic Sea, the Belts and Kattegat. Nordic Hydrology 12, pp. 1-20, 1981.
Book chapters
Møller, J.S., L.O Kornum and L. Alting: Preface and Epilog in ‘Visioner, viden og værdiskabelse - en historie om Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber’ by Henrik Knudsen (in Danish). ATV 2012.
Møller, J.S.: FM and Sustainability in Facilities Management Research in the Nordic Countries, Past Present and Future (120-121 pp.), eds. Per Anker Jensen and Susanne Balslev Nielsen. ISBN 9788750210337. Centre for Facilities Management. Polyteknisk Forlag, 2012.
Møller, J.S. and S. Svendsen: Sustainable Buildings in DTU Climate Change Technologies: recommendations on accelerated development and deployment of climate change technologies (30-33 pp.) – ISBN: 978-87-990378-2-7 Kgs Lyngby, Technical University of Denmark, 2009.
Møller, J.S. and K. Haugbølle: Innovation og forskning (in Danish) in Fremtidens byggeerhverv i et globaliseringsperspektiv, pp. 33-41, Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber. ISBN 978-87-7836-047-2. Denmark 2009.
Møller, J.S.: Den frie forsker har aldrig eksisteret som andet end en drøm (in Danish) in Videnskabelighed - Femten Portrætter, pp. 119-127, Analyseinstitut for Forskning, ISBN: 87-90698-44-4. Denmark 2001.
Møller, J.S.: Water Masses, Stratification and Circulation in Eutrophication in Coastal Marine Systems, eds. Bo Barker Jørgensen and Richardson, K., Coastal and Estuarine Studies, vol. 52, pp. 51-66, AGU ISBN 0-87590-266-9. USA 1996.
Lu, Qian-ming and J.S. Møller: The Yangtze River Estuary: The second Shanghai Sewerage Project (SSPII) in Wastewater Management for Coastal Cities, ed. Charles G. Gunnerson, pp 11.2-11.35. Springer-Verlag, New York 1996.
J.S: Møller: Hydrografi.(in Danish) in Lærebog i Vandforurening, eds. Harremoes, P. and A. Malmgren-Hansen, pp 273-285, Polyteknisk Forlag, ISBN 87-502-0671-0, Denmark 1990.
Møller J.S.: Det lagdelte nor og Den lagdelte tærskelfjord.(in Danish) in Lærebog i Vandforurening, eds. Harremoes, P. and A. Malmgren-Hansen, pp 316-320, Polyteknisk Forlag, ISBN 87-502-0671-0, Denmark 1990.
Møller, J.S. and F. Bo Pedersen: Internal Seiches in a Stratified Sill Fjord in Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol. 18, Environmental Hydraulics: Stratified Flows, ed. Fl. Bo Pedersen, pp31-40, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-16792-7, USA 1986.
Conference proceedings
Nielsen S. Balslev, Møller J.S., Jäschke S., and Alexander K.: Realizing Sustainability in Facilities Management, a pilot study at the Technical University of Denmark. European Facilities Management Conference, Copenhagen 23-25 May 2012
Møller, J.S.: The Negative Estuary Revisited, Some Implications for Coastal Engineering. 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Aug 31 – Sep 5, Hamburg, 2008
Møller, J.S.: Stratification in Natural Water Bodies, Some Implications for Harbour and Ocean Engineering: INCHOE2004, Third International Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Proceedings Vol.2. ISBN: 81-902109-0-4, Goa, India, 7-9 December 2004,
Møller, J.S.: Strategies for Research, Education and Innovation, A University’s Considerations. ECCREDI and E-Core Conference, B4E, Building for a European Future, Maastricht. Proceedings Vol 2 pp. 377-389. Oct. 14-15 2004
Jakobsen, Fl., N.H. Petersen, H.M. Petersen, J.S. Møller, T. Schmidt & T. Seifert: Hydrographic investigations in the Fehmarn Belt in connection with the planning of the Fehmarn Belt link. Baltic Marine Science Conference 1996 (Rønne, Denmark), pp.179-189. Published in ICES Cooperative Research Report 257, 2003.
Sehested Hansen, I., Møller, J.S.., Findikakis, A.N. 3 dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of the Maracaibo system, Venezuela. Proc. XXIX IAHR Congress, Theme B, Env. Hydr. And Eco-Hydr., pp. 641-649. Beijing, Sept. 16-21 Sept. 2001.
Erichsen A.C., P.S. Rasch, and J.S. Møller: A Multi-Task-Model System for Forecasts of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Parameters, Presented at Estuarine Modelling Conference 7, Florida Nov 5-7.2001.
Møller, J.S.: Coastal Zone Management: How can the science become more visible: Are we talking to ourselves? Proceedings of the EU conference EurOCEAN 2000, Hamburg, pp. 41-44, EUR 19408, Aug 29 - 2 Sept 2000.
Møller, J.S.: Environmental Management for Øresundsbron - Integrated Monitoring and Modelling as Decision Support. Presentation at Littoral 2000 - Information Society, Nice, Organised by City of Nice, University of Nice and IAHR - European Division. May 26, 2000.
Jensen, H.R., J.S. Møller and E.B. Rasmussen: Operational Hydrodynamical Model of the Danish Waters, Danish National Program for Monitoring the Water Environment. Proc. Second International Conference on EuroGOOS. Elsevier 1999.
Møller, J.S.: More value from projects through quality assessment of numerical models and data & information management. Rapporteurs report. Proceedings from Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference. Publ. by European Commission (ISBN 92-828-4726-8). Lisbon, 23 to 27 May 1998.
Møller, J.S.: The Great Belt Link, Denmark. Taiwan Provincial Government Water Resources Department Seminar, Taipei, Nov. 2-6, 1998.
Lu, Qian-ming, J.S. Møller, J.F. Knudsen, and Chen Bang Li: Preliminary Study of Environmental Impact of Waste Water from Second Shanghai Sewerage Project on the Yangtze River Estuary. Presented at the International Workshop on Changjiang Estuary, Shanghai 19-20 Apr. 1995.
Møller, J.S.: Mixing and Controlled Flow, Observed in the Danish Straits. Preparation of MAST Concerted Action: Fluxes through Straits and Passages. Fuengirola, 1994.
Brøker, I., J. Johnsen, M.J. Lintrup, A. Jensen and J.S. Møller: The Spreading of Dredging Spoils during Construction of the Denmark-Sweden Link. Proc. 24th Intl. Confr. Coastal Engineering Research Council/ASCE. Kobe, Oct. 1994.
Møller, J.S., I. Brøker and R. Warren (1994): Engineering Design for Minimum Impact on Ecology. Proc. International Symposium on Ecology and Engineering. ISEE’ 94. Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 31-Nov 3,1994.
Jakobsen, F. and J.S. Møller: Results from the hydrographic investigations in connection with the constructions of the Øresund Link. Proc. 19th Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers. Gdansk, Aug. 29 - 1 Sept., Gdánsk, 1994.
Møller, J.S., I. Brøker and J.K. Jensen: The environmental aspects of the Denmark - Sweden Link. Proc. 1st International Symposium on Habitat Hydraulics. Trondheim, Aug. 18 - 20, 1994.
Møller, J.S., E.B. Rasmussen and A.C. Ellegaard: Observations and Modelling of Stratified flow in the Sound between Denmark and Sweden. Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. Grenoble 29 June - 2 July, 1994.
Møller, J.S. and N-E. Ottesen Hansen: The Øresund Link. Interaction between environmental protection requirements and design. Third Symposium on Strait Crossings. Balkema Publisher. Ålesund, Norway June 12 - 15, 1994.
Jensen, K. and J.S. Møller and A. Randløv: An Environmental Impact Assessment of the Construction of Bridges and Tunnels across the Øresund. Proceedings of the 12th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium. Ed. by Bjørnestad, Hageman and Jensen, Denmark 1992.
Møller, J.S.: Coastal Pollution. Presented at EURISY Symposium The Earth’s Environment - an Assessment from Space. Venice, Apr. 10-11, 1991.
Møller, J.S. and H.S. Nielsen (1991): The Great Belt Link - How to achieve Zero Environmental Impact on the Baltic Sea. Proc. From IABSE Colloquium: The Interaction between Major Engineering Structures and the Marine Environment. Nyborg, 27-29 May, 1991. ISBN: 3-85748-064-5, IABSE, Zurich (Switzerland)
Nielsen, J.B., I.R. Warren, J.S. Møller, and H. Bach: State-of-the-Art for Effluent Discharge Models, Including Models for Oil Spill Discharges. Environment Northern Seas, Stavanger, Aug. 1991.
Møller, J.S. and N-E. Ottesen Hansen: The Great Belt Link, How to Achieve Zero Environmental Impact on the Baltic Sea. Proc. International Conference on Coastal Engineering.The Netherlands, 2-6 July, 1990.
Hansen, I.S., J.S. Møller, and M.N. Madsen: A general PC-based Model Complex in Two-layer Stratified Flow Problems. XVI Nordic Hydrological Conference, Kalmar, Aug. 1990.
Møller, J.S. and P. Kronborg: Hydrographic and Environmental Investigations in Relation to Strait Crossings. The Great Belt Link and the Fixed Link Across the Strait of Gibraltar. Third International Colloquium on the Fixed Link Europe-Africa through the Strait of Gibraltar. Marrakesh, May 16-18, 1990.
Møller, J.S.: Denmark’s Great Belt Link. Environmental and Hydrodynamic Issues. ASCE Annual Convention 1989, New Orleans. Oct. 8-11, 1989.
Møller, J.S. and A. Malmgren-Hansen: The use of a general Mathematical Model of the Hydrodynamics and Eutrophication of Two layered Marine Area. 2nd IAWPRC Asian Conference on Water Pollution Control, Bangkok, Nov. 9-11, 1988.
Ottesen Hansen, N-E. and J.S. Møller: The Great Belt Link. Effect on Kiel and Mecklenburg Bights. 16th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers, Kiel, Sept. 5-19, 1988.
Møller, J.S., H. Schrøder and I. Sehested Hansen: An Integral Model of the Buoyant Surface Jet and Plume in a Cross Current and Wind. 3rd International Symposium on Stratified Flows organized by IAHR. Calif. Inst. of Technology, Feb. 3-5, 1987.
Schrøder, H. and J.S. Møller: Mechanisms responsible for oxygen conditions in the deep water of the Kattegat and the Belt Sea. 15th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers. Copenhagen, Nov. 18-21,1986.
Møller, J.S.: Análisis hidraulicos como instrumento de planificación. Spanish-Danish Symposium on Environmental Protection. Madrid, 6-13 Nov. 1986.
Møller, J.S.: Buoyancy Driven Circulation Caused by Sea Ice Growth. 8th International Conference on Port and Ocean engineering under Arctic Conditions, Greenland, Sept. 1985.
Asmund, G. and J.S. Møller: Long Term Variations Governing the Spreading of Dissolved Metals from Mine Tailings Discharged into an Arctic Sill Fiord. 8th International Conference on Port and Ocean engineering under Arctic Conditions, Greenland, Sept. 1985.
Other publications, selected
Møller J.S.: Manglende vedligeholdelse koster dyrt. Kronik i Ingeniøren 13. juni 2008.
Møller, J.S.: The Øresund Fixed Link. Environment, Stakeholders, and Hydroinformatics. Invited presentation at ECO-Imagine Training Course, Université Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France, 22-26 Nov. 2005.
Møller, J.S. and M. Geiker: Bygningsingeniøruddannelsen på DTU – med speciel vægt på beton som byggemateriale. Presented at Dansk Betondag (in Danish) 15 Sep. 2005.
Møller, J.S. and C.B. Pedersen: Analyse af hydrografiske data fra det sydlige Kattegat.(Analysis of Hydrographic Data from South Kattegat, in Danish). Havforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen, nr. 56. ISBN: 87-7810-023-2. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 1996
Jakobsen, F. and J.S. Møller: Transporten gennem Lillebælt. Vand og Jord, vol. 3, nr. 6. pp. 252, 1996.
Nielsen, H., E.B. Rasmussen, I.S. Hansen, L.S. Sørensen and J.S. Møller: Modellering af fysiske blandingsprocesser (Modelling Physical Mixing Processes, in Danish). Havforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen, nr. 56. ISBN: 87-7810-302-9. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 1995
Møller, J.S.: DYNOCS - Status spring 1995. Presented at Second MAST Days and EUROMAR Market, Sorrento, Italy, 7-10 Nov. 1995.
Møller J.S. and C.B. Pedersen: Analysis of Hydrographic Data from the Southern Kattegat (in Danish). Marine Research Programme in Denmark, Report No. 20. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 1994
Møller, J.S.: The Great Belt Link - the environmental concern. PIANC Bulletin, No. 72, p 87-91. 1991.
Møller, J.S.: Hydrodynamics of an Arctic Fjord. Field Study, Affarlikassaa, West Greenland, Resonance of Internal Seiches and Buoyancy-Driven Circulation. Series Paper, 34. p. 197. Inst. Hydrodynamics. and Hydraulic Engr. Tech. Univ. Denmark. 1984.
Møller, J.S., Fl. Bo Pedersen and T.K. Nielsen: Measurements of the Convective and Mixed Layer under Growing Sea Ice. Prog. Rep. 56, pp. 13-23. Inst. Hydrodynamics. and Hydraulic Engr. Tech. Univ. Denmark, 1982.
Deigaard, R., J. Fredsøe, J.S. Møller and B. Østerbye: Experiments on grain sorting in a diverging flume. Progr. Rep. 45, pp. 29-32. Apr. 1978. Inst. Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engr., Tech. Univ. Denmark. 1978.
Appointments and elections
Short courses
Year |
Firm |
Position and responsibilities |
2009 – date |
Technical University of Denmark, DTU |
Director of Facilities and Real Estate |
2003 – 2009 |
Technical University of Denmark, DTU |
Director, Department of Civil Engineering |
2003 – 2003 |
DHI Water & Environment |
Director, Marine and Coastal Division, MED |
2000 – 2002 |
DHI Water & Environment |
Director, Water Environment and Informatics Division, WEI |
1997 – 1999 |
Danish Hydraulic Institute, DHI |
Director, Marine Environment Division, MED |
1989 – 1996 |
Danish Hydraulic Institute, DHI |
Head of Coastal and Environmental Department, CED |
1984 – 1989 |
Danish Hydraulic Institute, DHI |
Hydraulic Engineer. Research and application within stratified flow. |
1986 – 1988 |
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Institute of Hydrodynamics. and Hydraulic Engineering, ISVA |
External lecturer. |
1983 |
Greenex A/S mining company in Greenland |
Hydraulic Engineer |
1981 – 84 |
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering, ISVA |
PhD student Research in environmental hydraulics and arctic oceanography. |
Projects and assignments
Year |
Project |
Position and responsibilities |
2009 – date |
Strategic management of DTU’s campus and real estate development |
Director of Facilities and Real Estate |
2007 – 2010 |
Femern Belt Link hydrographic investigations |
Consultancy for the link owner: |
2009 – 2010 |
Nord Stream Gas Pipe Line hydrographic impact on Baltic Sea |
Consultancy related to permission from authorities in Sweden |
2009 |
Understanding and Controlling Wind-Induced Vibrations of Bridge Cables. Client: Femern Belt Link |
Project supervisor |
2009 |
Extension of Monaco into the Sea: Mission Urbanisation en Mer. |
Specialist consultancy for: Departement de L’Équipement de L’Énvironement et de L’Úrbanisme, Monaco |
2007 – 2009 |
International Research School at DTU Civil Engineering, IRS@BYG |
PhD-school leader
2004 – 2009 |
Strategic management for DTU Civil Engineering |
Head of Department |
2003 |
Køge Harbour, Contaminated soil depot and Beach Parks, Denmark. EIA and reference project analysis. |
Project Director |
2003 |
EKOFISK decommissioning study for ConocoPhillips, Norway. |
Project Director |
2001 – 2003 |
DHI-India PVT. LTD. |
Founding Director and member of Board of Directors. Home office management of DHI’s subsidiary in India. |
2001 – 2003 |
DHI’s strategic R&D project: Operational Water Forecasting. |
Project Director |
1998 - 2003 |
DHI-España S.A. |
Home office Director for establishment and management of DHI’s subsidiary in Spain. |
1999 - 2003 |
Farvandsmodel: Operational Numerical 3D model for the Danish Waters, for the Ministry of Environment, Denmark |
Project Director |
2001 |
Hydraulic and Environmental Studies for Fresh Water Reservoir, Port Blair, Andaman Islands, India |
Project Supervisor |
2000 - 2001 |
Caspian Sea Environmental Programme, Institutional Strengthening in 4 countries around the Caspian Sea. For TACIS, EU. |
Project Supervisor and member of JV committee for ERM-LI, DHI and BOPA joint venture. |
1998 - 2001 |
DHI’s strategic project: New NumericalSolution Engines for DHI software |
Responsible Director. |
2000 |
Merger of DHI and VKI |
Responsible Director for merger of two DHI and VKI divisions and development of strategy for new Water Environment and |
2000 |
Fynsværket Power Plant Denmark Environmental Impact Assessment |
Project Supervisor |
1999 - 2000 |
Danish Offshore Wind Parks, Environmental Impact Assessment |
Project Supervisor for hydrographic and sediment investigations. |
1998 - 2000 |
Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. Salinity and Water Quality Rehabilitation Study |
Project Supervisor for 3D numerical modelling |
1990 - 2000 |
The Øresund Link, Denmark/Sweden |
Project Director. Responsible for all DHI’s studies for the Øresund Link: numerical modelling, field monitoring and laboratory experiments. |
1995 - 1999 |
Fehmarn Belt Link, Feasibility Study for Germany/Denmark Link Hydrographic and ecological studies |
Director for Fehmarn Belt Environmental Consultants (FEC) consisting of DHI, LIC, VKI and Institut für Ostseeforschung. |
1985 - 1999 |
The Great Belt Link, Denmark. EIA and design of zero impact solution. Numerical and physical modelling. |
Project Director. Responsible for DHI’s environmental consultancy for The Great Belt Link. Numerical modelling, field monitoring and laboratory experiments. |
1997 |
Århus Havn, Denmark. Environmental Impact Assessment for large expansion of the harbour |
Project Supervisor. |
1996 - 1997 |
Bali Turtle Island Development Project, Indonesia. Feed Back Monitoring of marine dredging and reclamation |
Project Supervisor. |
1993 - 1997 |
DYNOCS. Dynamics of Connecting Seas. EEC-MAST Research Project |
Project Co-ordinator for EU-MAST project. Participation from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway |
1994 - 1996 |
Shanghai, China. Sewage Water Discharge Project. Analysis of sewage water outlet structure and environmental effects of outlet. 3D-modelling. |
Project Supervisor. |
1994 |
Istanbul, Turkey. Sewage Discharge. 3D modelling and monitoring of sewage water discharge to Bosporus Strait. |
Project Supervisor. |
1993 |
Algers harbour, Algeria. Evaluation of relocation of cooling water outlet in Algers harbour. |
Project Manager. |
1992 |
Koggala Outfall, Sri Lanka. Sewage outlet design. |
Consultant for Lanka Hydraulic Institute. |
1991 |
Coal terminal, El Ferrol, Galicia, Spain. Hydrographic survey followed by numerical modelling of transport and dispersion of coal dust. |
Project Manager. |
1991 |
Port Rehabilitation Program, Chile. Environmental impact assessment. Rehabilitation projects for three ports in Chile for the World Bank. |
Expert mission for World Bank. |
1990 |
Pollution study, Greenland. Development of a numerical model for heavy metals transport in the fjords around the lead mine in Maarmorilik. |
Project Supervisor. |
1988 |
Statens Vegvesen Hordaland, Norway. Physical and numerical two layer flow modelling of hydrographic effects of the floating bridge across Salhus Fjord. |
Project Manager. |
1986 |
Bosporus Rail Tunnel, Turkey. Appraisal study on the hydrographic effects of a tunnel across the Bosporus Strait two-layer flow. |
Consultant. |
1986 |
Ensted Power Plant, Aabenraa, Denmark. Hydrographic basis for water quality study. Evaluation of environmental impact of cooling water disposal. |
Project Manager. |
1984 - 86 |
Mathematical models of jets and plumes (NEWJET). Research project on mathematical modelling of buoyant discharges into a flowing ambient fluid. |
Project Manager. |
1985 |
Assessment of impact on marine ecology, Galicia, Spain. Mathematical modelling of water pollution conditions in 5 rias. |
Project Manager. |
1985 |
Water Pollution Study, Jammerland Bugt, Denmark. Hydrographic survey and mathematical modelling of water quality for studying alternative disposal schemes. |
Project Manager. |
1981 - 84 |
Hydrography of an Arctic Fjord, Greenland (PhD. Thesis). Research on Arctic fjord hydrography, long-term field measurements, laboratory experiments and mathematical modelling. |
PhD student. |
1983 |
Marine tailings disposal, Greenland. Development of a mathematical model for mine tailings solids depositing. |
Hydraulic engineer. |
1982 - 83 |
Technical University of Denmark |
Supervisor for M.Sc. theses on environmental hydraulics. |
1980 |
Inst. Ocean Sciences, B.C., Canada, and University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. Field measurements in the Frazer River Estuary. |
Research trainee |
Journal papers
Møller, J.S., N.-E. Ottesen Hansen, and F. Jakobsen: Mixing in stratified flow caused by obstacles. Journ. of Marine Environmental Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1 pp. 97-111. 1997.
Jakobsen, F., M.J. Lintrup and J.S. Møller.: Observations of the specific resistance in the Øresund. Nordic Hydrology, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 217-232. 1997.
Møller, J.S. and I. Sehested Hansen: Hydrographical Processes and Changes in the Baltic Sea. Dana: Special issue fish and fisheries in the Baltic. 1994.
Farmer, D. and J.S. Møller: Measurements and Modelling in the Great Belt: A Unique Opportunity for Model Verification. The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits. L. Pratt (ed.) NATO ASI series C. Vol. 318. Kluwer 1990.
Ottesen Hansen, N.E. and J.S. Møller: Zero Blocking Solution for the Great Belt Link. The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits. L. Pratt (ed.) NATO ASI series C. Vol. 318. Kluwer 1990.
Møller, J.S. and N-E. Ottesen Hansen: The Great Belt Link Compensations dredging design. Dredging and Port Construction, Journal 1988:15:7.
Pedersen, Fl. Bo and J.S. Møller: Diversion of the River Neva. How will it Influence the Baltic Sea, the Belts and Kattegat. Nordic Hydrology 12, pp. 1-20, 1981.
Book chapters
Møller, J.S., L.O Kornum and L. Alting: Preface and Epilog in ‘Visioner, viden og værdiskabelse - en historie om Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber’ by Henrik Knudsen (in Danish). ATV 2012.
Møller, J.S.: FM and Sustainability in Facilities Management Research in the Nordic Countries, Past Present and Future (120-121 pp.), eds. Per Anker Jensen and Susanne Balslev Nielsen. ISBN 9788750210337. Centre for Facilities Management. Polyteknisk Forlag, 2012.
Møller, J.S. and S. Svendsen: Sustainable Buildings in DTU Climate Change Technologies: recommendations on accelerated development and deployment of climate change technologies (30-33 pp.) – ISBN: 978-87-990378-2-7 Kgs Lyngby, Technical University of Denmark, 2009.
Møller, J.S. and K. Haugbølle: Innovation og forskning (in Danish) in Fremtidens byggeerhverv i et globaliseringsperspektiv, pp. 33-41, Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber. ISBN 978-87-7836-047-2. Denmark 2009.
Møller, J.S.: Den frie forsker har aldrig eksisteret som andet end en drøm (in Danish) in Videnskabelighed - Femten Portrætter, pp. 119-127, Analyseinstitut for Forskning, ISBN: 87-90698-44-4. Denmark 2001.
Møller, J.S.: Water Masses, Stratification and Circulation in Eutrophication in Coastal Marine Systems, eds. Bo Barker Jørgensen and Richardson, K., Coastal and Estuarine Studies, vol. 52, pp. 51-66, AGU ISBN 0-87590-266-9. USA 1996.
Lu, Qian-ming and J.S. Møller: The Yangtze River Estuary: The second Shanghai Sewerage Project (SSPII) in Wastewater Management for Coastal Cities, ed. Charles G. Gunnerson, pp 11.2-11.35. Springer-Verlag, New York 1996.
J.S: Møller: Hydrografi.(in Danish) in Lærebog i Vandforurening, eds. Harremoes, P. and A. Malmgren-Hansen, pp 273-285, Polyteknisk Forlag, ISBN 87-502-0671-0, Denmark 1990.
Møller J.S.: Det lagdelte nor og Den lagdelte tærskelfjord.(in Danish) in Lærebog i Vandforurening, eds. Harremoes, P. and A. Malmgren-Hansen, pp 316-320, Polyteknisk Forlag, ISBN 87-502-0671-0, Denmark 1990.
Møller, J.S. and F. Bo Pedersen: Internal Seiches in a Stratified Sill Fjord in Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol. 18, Environmental Hydraulics: Stratified Flows, ed. Fl. Bo Pedersen, pp31-40, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-16792-7, USA 1986.
Conference proceedings
Nielsen S. Balslev, Møller J.S., Jäschke S., and Alexander K.: Realizing Sustainability in Facilities Management, a pilot study at the Technical University of Denmark. European Facilities Management Conference, Copenhagen 23-25 May 2012
Møller, J.S.: The Negative Estuary Revisited, Some Implications for Coastal Engineering. 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Aug 31 – Sep 5, Hamburg, 2008
Møller, J.S.: Stratification in Natural Water Bodies, Some Implications for Harbour and Ocean Engineering: INCHOE2004, Third International Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Proceedings Vol.2. ISBN: 81-902109-0-4, Goa, India, 7-9 December 2004,
Møller, J.S.: Strategies for Research, Education and Innovation, A University’s Considerations. ECCREDI and E-Core Conference, B4E, Building for a European Future, Maastricht. Proceedings Vol 2 pp. 377-389. Oct. 14-15 2004
Jakobsen, Fl., N.H. Petersen, H.M. Petersen, J.S. Møller, T. Schmidt & T. Seifert: Hydrographic investigations in the Fehmarn Belt in connection with the planning of the Fehmarn Belt link. Baltic Marine Science Conference 1996 (Rønne, Denmark), pp.179-189. Published in ICES Cooperative Research Report 257, 2003.
Sehested Hansen, I., Møller, J.S.., Findikakis, A.N. 3 dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of the Maracaibo system, Venezuela. Proc. XXIX IAHR Congress, Theme B, Env. Hydr. And Eco-Hydr., pp. 641-649. Beijing, Sept. 16-21 Sept. 2001.
Erichsen A.C., P.S. Rasch, and J.S. Møller: A Multi-Task-Model System for Forecasts of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Parameters, Presented at Estuarine Modelling Conference 7, Florida Nov 5-7.2001.
Møller, J.S.: Coastal Zone Management: How can the science become more visible: Are we talking to ourselves? Proceedings of the EU conference EurOCEAN 2000, Hamburg, pp. 41-44, EUR 19408, Aug 29 - 2 Sept 2000.
Møller, J.S.: Environmental Management for Øresundsbron - Integrated Monitoring and Modelling as Decision Support. Presentation at Littoral 2000 - Information Society, Nice, Organised by City of Nice, University of Nice and IAHR - European Division. May 26, 2000.
Jensen, H.R., J.S. Møller and E.B. Rasmussen: Operational Hydrodynamical Model of the Danish Waters, Danish National Program for Monitoring the Water Environment. Proc. Second International Conference on EuroGOOS. Elsevier 1999.
Møller, J.S.: More value from projects through quality assessment of numerical models and data & information management. Rapporteurs report. Proceedings from Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference. Publ. by European Commission (ISBN 92-828-4726-8). Lisbon, 23 to 27 May 1998.
Møller, J.S.: The Great Belt Link, Denmark. Taiwan Provincial Government Water Resources Department Seminar, Taipei, Nov. 2-6, 1998.
Lu, Qian-ming, J.S. Møller, J.F. Knudsen, and Chen Bang Li: Preliminary Study of Environmental Impact of Waste Water from Second Shanghai Sewerage Project on the Yangtze River Estuary. Presented at the International Workshop on Changjiang Estuary, Shanghai 19-20 Apr. 1995.
Møller, J.S.: Mixing and Controlled Flow, Observed in the Danish Straits. Preparation of MAST Concerted Action: Fluxes through Straits and Passages. Fuengirola, 1994.
Brøker, I., J. Johnsen, M.J. Lintrup, A. Jensen and J.S. Møller: The Spreading of Dredging Spoils during Construction of the Denmark-Sweden Link. Proc. 24th Intl. Confr. Coastal Engineering Research Council/ASCE. Kobe, Oct. 1994.
Møller, J.S., I. Brøker and R. Warren (1994): Engineering Design for Minimum Impact on Ecology. Proc. International Symposium on Ecology and Engineering. ISEE’ 94. Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 31-Nov 3,1994.
Jakobsen, F. and J.S. Møller: Results from the hydrographic investigations in connection with the constructions of the Øresund Link. Proc. 19th Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers. Gdansk, Aug. 29 - 1 Sept., Gdánsk, 1994.
Møller, J.S., I. Brøker and J.K. Jensen: The environmental aspects of the Denmark - Sweden Link. Proc. 1st International Symposium on Habitat Hydraulics. Trondheim, Aug. 18 - 20, 1994.
Møller, J.S., E.B. Rasmussen and A.C. Ellegaard: Observations and Modelling of Stratified flow in the Sound between Denmark and Sweden. Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. Grenoble 29 June - 2 July, 1994.
Møller, J.S. and N-E. Ottesen Hansen: The Øresund Link. Interaction between environmental protection requirements and design. Third Symposium on Strait Crossings. Balkema Publisher. Ålesund, Norway June 12 - 15, 1994.
Jensen, K. and J.S. Møller and A. Randløv: An Environmental Impact Assessment of the Construction of Bridges and Tunnels across the Øresund. Proceedings of the 12th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium. Ed. by Bjørnestad, Hageman and Jensen, Denmark 1992.
Møller, J.S.: Coastal Pollution. Presented at EURISY Symposium The Earth’s Environment - an Assessment from Space. Venice, Apr. 10-11, 1991.
Møller, J.S. and H.S. Nielsen (1991): The Great Belt Link - How to achieve Zero Environmental Impact on the Baltic Sea. Proc. From IABSE Colloquium: The Interaction between Major Engineering Structures and the Marine Environment. Nyborg, 27-29 May, 1991. ISBN: 3-85748-064-5, IABSE, Zurich (Switzerland)
Nielsen, J.B., I.R. Warren, J.S. Møller, and H. Bach: State-of-the-Art for Effluent Discharge Models, Including Models for Oil Spill Discharges. Environment Northern Seas, Stavanger, Aug. 1991.
Møller, J.S. and N-E. Ottesen Hansen: The Great Belt Link, How to Achieve Zero Environmental Impact on the Baltic Sea. Proc. International Conference on Coastal Engineering.The Netherlands, 2-6 July, 1990.
Hansen, I.S., J.S. Møller, and M.N. Madsen: A general PC-based Model Complex in Two-layer Stratified Flow Problems. XVI Nordic Hydrological Conference, Kalmar, Aug. 1990.
Møller, J.S. and P. Kronborg: Hydrographic and Environmental Investigations in Relation to Strait Crossings. The Great Belt Link and the Fixed Link Across the Strait of Gibraltar. Third International Colloquium on the Fixed Link Europe-Africa through the Strait of Gibraltar. Marrakesh, May 16-18, 1990.
Møller, J.S.: Denmark’s Great Belt Link. Environmental and Hydrodynamic Issues. ASCE Annual Convention 1989, New Orleans. Oct. 8-11, 1989.
Møller, J.S. and A. Malmgren-Hansen: The use of a general Mathematical Model of the Hydrodynamics and Eutrophication of Two layered Marine Area. 2nd IAWPRC Asian Conference on Water Pollution Control, Bangkok, Nov. 9-11, 1988.
Ottesen Hansen, N-E. and J.S. Møller: The Great Belt Link. Effect on Kiel and Mecklenburg Bights. 16th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers, Kiel, Sept. 5-19, 1988.
Møller, J.S., H. Schrøder and I. Sehested Hansen: An Integral Model of the Buoyant Surface Jet and Plume in a Cross Current and Wind. 3rd International Symposium on Stratified Flows organized by IAHR. Calif. Inst. of Technology, Feb. 3-5, 1987.
Schrøder, H. and J.S. Møller: Mechanisms responsible for oxygen conditions in the deep water of the Kattegat and the Belt Sea. 15th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers. Copenhagen, Nov. 18-21,1986.
Møller, J.S.: Análisis hidraulicos como instrumento de planificación. Spanish-Danish Symposium on Environmental Protection. Madrid, 6-13 Nov. 1986.
Møller, J.S.: Buoyancy Driven Circulation Caused by Sea Ice Growth. 8th International Conference on Port and Ocean engineering under Arctic Conditions, Greenland, Sept. 1985.
Asmund, G. and J.S. Møller: Long Term Variations Governing the Spreading of Dissolved Metals from Mine Tailings Discharged into an Arctic Sill Fiord. 8th International Conference on Port and Ocean engineering under Arctic Conditions, Greenland, Sept. 1985.
Other publications, selected
Møller J.S.: Manglende vedligeholdelse koster dyrt. Kronik i Ingeniøren 13. juni 2008.
Møller, J.S.: The Øresund Fixed Link. Environment, Stakeholders, and Hydroinformatics. Invited presentation at ECO-Imagine Training Course, Université Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France, 22-26 Nov. 2005.
Møller, J.S. and M. Geiker: Bygningsingeniøruddannelsen på DTU – med speciel vægt på beton som byggemateriale. Presented at Dansk Betondag (in Danish) 15 Sep. 2005.
Møller, J.S. and C.B. Pedersen: Analyse af hydrografiske data fra det sydlige Kattegat.(Analysis of Hydrographic Data from South Kattegat, in Danish). Havforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen, nr. 56. ISBN: 87-7810-023-2. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 1996
Jakobsen, F. and J.S. Møller: Transporten gennem Lillebælt. Vand og Jord, vol. 3, nr. 6. pp. 252, 1996.
Nielsen, H., E.B. Rasmussen, I.S. Hansen, L.S. Sørensen and J.S. Møller: Modellering af fysiske blandingsprocesser (Modelling Physical Mixing Processes, in Danish). Havforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen, nr. 56. ISBN: 87-7810-302-9. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 1995
Møller, J.S.: DYNOCS - Status spring 1995. Presented at Second MAST Days and EUROMAR Market, Sorrento, Italy, 7-10 Nov. 1995.
Møller J.S. and C.B. Pedersen: Analysis of Hydrographic Data from the Southern Kattegat (in Danish). Marine Research Programme in Denmark, Report No. 20. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 1994
Møller, J.S.: The Great Belt Link - the environmental concern. PIANC Bulletin, No. 72, p 87-91. 1991.
Møller, J.S.: Hydrodynamics of an Arctic Fjord. Field Study, Affarlikassaa, West Greenland, Resonance of Internal Seiches and Buoyancy-Driven Circulation. Series Paper, 34. p. 197. Inst. Hydrodynamics. and Hydraulic Engr. Tech. Univ. Denmark. 1984.
Møller, J.S., Fl. Bo Pedersen and T.K. Nielsen: Measurements of the Convective and Mixed Layer under Growing Sea Ice. Prog. Rep. 56, pp. 13-23. Inst. Hydrodynamics. and Hydraulic Engr. Tech. Univ. Denmark, 1982.
Deigaard, R., J. Fredsøe, J.S. Møller and B. Østerbye: Experiments on grain sorting in a diverging flume. Progr. Rep. 45, pp. 29-32. Apr. 1978. Inst. Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engr., Tech. Univ. Denmark. 1978.
Management, supervision, collaborative research and business development for a number of projects undertaken in: Greenland 2003-date, 1990, and 1981-84, India (various cities) 1999-2008, Azerbaijan (Baku) 2003, Saudi Arabia (Damman) 2002, Panama (Colón, Panamá City) 2001, China (Shanghai) 2001 and 1994, Viet Nam (Ha Noi) 1999, Costa Rica (San Jose) 1999, Venezuela (Maracaibo) 1998, Indonesia (Bali) 1997, Algeria (Algers) 1993, Chile (various cities) 1991 and in several cities in Europe and USA.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Ph.D. Environmental Hydraulics,, Technical University of Denmark, DTU,
… → 1984
Basic military training, Corps of Engineers, Farum Kaserne
… → 1981
M.Sc. Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DTU,
… → 1980
Director of Facilities, Technical University of Denmark
2009 → …
Head of DTU Civil Engineering Department, Technical University of Denmark
2003 → 2009
External lecturer, Technical University of Denmark
1986 → 1988
Division Director, DHI Water and environment
1984 → 2003
Hydraulic Engineer, Greenex A/S mining company in Greenland
PhD student Research in environmental hydraulics. and arctic oceanography, Technical University of Denmark
1981 → 1984
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Article in proceedings › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Article in proceedings › Research › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Report › Communication
Research output: Book/Report › Report › Research › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Report › Research
Nielsen, S. B. (Project Participant) & Møller, J. S. (Project Participant)
01/01/2014 → 31/12/2015
Project: Research
Møller, J. S. (Project Manager)
Indtægtsdækket virksomhed UK 90
01/05/2009 → 01/10/2009
Project: Research
Møller, J. S. (Project Manager)
Indtægtsdækket virksomhed UK 90
01/01/2009 → 01/10/2009
Project: Research
Møller, J. S. (Project Manager)
Indtægtsdækket virksomhed UK 90
01/01/2008 → 31/12/2010
Project: Research
Møller, J. S. (Project Manager), Rode, C. (Project Manager), Stang, B. D. (Project Participant) & Hjorslev Hansen, M. (Project Participant)
Statens Teknisk Videnskabelige Forskningsråd
01/04/2006 → 31/03/2009
Project: Research