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Information project for highschool pupils
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager), Hansen, B. S. (Project Participant) & Bing, E. (Project Participant)
01/11/1997 → …
Project: Research
Formal development and verification of railway control systems
Vu, L. H. (PhD Student), Haxthausen, A. E. (Main Supervisor), Peleska, J. (Supervisor), Hansen, M. R. (Examiner), Fantechi, A. (Examiner) & Larsen, P. G. (Examiner)
Technical University of Denmark
01/11/2012 → 21/01/2016
Project: PhD
Modelling and analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems
Dung, P. A. (PhD Student), Hansen, M. R. (Main Supervisor), Madsen, J. (Supervisor), Haxthausen, A. E. (Examiner), Sestoft, P. (Examiner) & Vain, J. (Examiner)
01/11/2011 → 30/09/2015
Project: PhD
Pattern-oriented Formal Software Development
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager)
Sam.arb.aftaler - Udenlandske offentlige og private
01/04/2005 → 01/04/2010
Project: Research
Modellering og analyse af globale applikationer
Buchholtz, M. (PhD Student), Nielson, F. (Supervisor), Haxthausen, A. E. (Examiner), Focardi, R. (Examiner), Guttman, J. D. (Examiner) & Nielson, H. R. (Main Supervisor)
01/01/2002 → 12/07/2005
Project: PhD
Proof support for raise
Lindegaard, M. P. (PhD Student), Haxthausen, A. E. (Main Supervisor), Hansen, M. R. (Supervisor), Sharp, R. I. (Examiner), Janowski, T. (Examiner) & Krieg-Bruckner, B. (Examiner)
01/04/2000 → 25/05/2004
Project: PhD
Domain-specific Languages for Railway Control Systems
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager) & Peleska, J. (Project Participant)
01/01/2000 → 31/12/2010
Project: Research
Modelling Railway Interlocking Systems II
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager), Lindegaard, M. P. (Project Participant), Hansen, K. M. (Project Participant) & Viuf, P. (Project Participant)
01/09/1999 → 31/03/2000
Project: Research
CoFI WG (ESPRIT Working Group no. 29432)
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager), Mosses, P. (Project Participant), Sannella, D. (Project Participant), Tarlecki, A. (Project Participant), Krieg-Bruckner, B. (Project Participant), Bidoit, M. (Project Participant), Astesiano, E. (Project Participant) & Kirchner, H. (Project Participant)
01/10/1998 → 30/04/2001
Project: Research
FMERail (ESPRIT Project EP26538)
Hansen, B. S. (Project Manager), Bjørner, D. (Project Participant) & Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Participant)
01/01/1998 → 30/09/1999
Project: Research
Co-synthesis of RSL Specifications
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager)
01/09/1997 → 31/01/1998
Project: Research
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager) & Peleska, J. (Project Participant)
01/08/1996 → 31/12/2000
Project: Research
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager), Mosses, P. (Project Participant), Lescanne, P. (Project Participant), Astesiano, E. (Project Participant), Bergstra, J. (Project Participant), Bert, D. (Project Participant), Bidoit, M. (Project Participant), Bettaz, M. (Project Participant), Broy, M. (Project Participant), Choppy, C. (Project Participant), Dahl, O.-J. (Project Participant), Ehrich, H.-D. (Project Participant), Ehrig, H. (Project Participant), Fiadeiro, J. (Project Participant), Gaudel, M.-C. (Project Participant), Goguen, J. A. (Project Participant), Grosu, R. (Project Participant), Heering, J. (Project Participant), Kirchner, H. (Project Participant), Kreowski, H.-J. (Project Participant), Krieg-Bruckner, B. (Project Participant), Maibaum, T. (Project Participant), Malcolm, G. (Project Participant), Meinke, K. (Project Participant), Orejas, F. (Project Participant), Owe, O. (Project Participant), Padawitz, P. (Project Participant), Reggio, G. (Project Participant), Reichel, H. (Project Participant), Sannella, D. (Project Participant), Sernadas, A. (Project Participant), Tarlecki, A. (Project Participant), Wagner, E. (Project Participant), Walicki, M. (Project Participant), Wirsing, M. (Project Participant), Wolter, U. (Project Participant), Cerioli, M. (Project Participant) & Mossakowski, T. (Project Participant)
01/11/1995 → 31/12/2003
Project: Research
Module Composition Mechanisms
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager) & Nickl, F. (Project Participant)
01/07/1995 → 01/07/1996
Project: Research
Subtyping and Higher-order Functions
Haxthausen, A. E. (Project Manager)
Sam.arb.aftaler - Udenlandske offentlige og private
01/01/1995 → 31/12/1999
Project: Research