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Micki Bjerre Aaen
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - External Lecturer
- Energy and Services
Person: VIP
Sofie Berglykke Aagaard
- Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs - Student Assistant
Person: VIP
Niels Aage
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Associate Professor
- Solid Mechanics
Person: VIP
Sanni-Leea Hellevi Aalto
- National Institute of Aquatic Resources - Senior Researcher
- Section for Aquaculture
- DTU Microbes Initiative
Person: VIP
Frank Møller Aarestrup
- National Food Institute - Professor, Head of Research Group
- Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology
- DTU Microbes Initiative
Person: VIP
Phillip Aarestrup
- Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - Industrial PhD
- Water Systems
Person: VIP
Theis Lak Aarup
- Department of Wind and Energy Systems - Wind Tunnel Engineer
- Airfoil and Rotor Design
- Wind Turbine Design Division
Person: VIP
Steffen Abay-Nørgaard
- Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine - Senior Officer
- Cell Diversity Lab
Person: VIP
Amirali Abbaspourmani
- Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering - Research Assistant
Person: VIP
Azad Abdalla
- Department of Space Research and Technology - Engineering Assistant
- Measurement and Instrumentation Systems
Person: VIP
Ebtisam Khazaal Abdellahi
- Department of Energy Conversion and Storage - Laboratory Technician
Person: VIP
Maryam Abdinejad
- Department of Energy Conversion and Storage - Assistant Professor (Tenure track)
- Electrochemical Materials
Person: VIP
Kian Abdollahi
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Laboratory Engineer
- Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics
Person: VIP
Armin Abdollahi Chahardah Cheriki
- Danish Offshore Technology Centre - Research Assistant
- GeoEnergy Engineering
Person: VIP
Mahdi Abdulla
- National Institute of Aquatic Resources - Laboratory Technician Trainee
- Section for Fish and Shellfish Diseases
Person: VIP
Muhammad Abdullah
- National Institute of Aquatic Resources - Research Assistant
- Section for Monitoring and Data
Person: VIP
Elnora Abdullajeva
Person: VIP
Jeppe Morsø Abildgaard
- Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Metalworker Apprentice
Person: VIP
Tyge Lykke Bjørgheim Abildgaard
- Department of Technology, Management and Economics - Hjælpelærer
Person: VIP
Anton Berggreen Abrahamsen
- Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - Research Assistant
- Geotechnics & Geology
Person: VIP