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Entrepreneurial Team Formation in Science-based Startups
Georgiadou, D. (PhD Student), Nikiforou, A. (Main Supervisor), Broeng, J. (Supervisor) & Brattström, A. (Supervisor)
15/02/2023 → 14/02/2026
Project: PhD
Impact of Academic Engagement and AcademicEntrepreneurship on Universities¿ Innovationand Entrepreneurship and Other Mission
Bohmann, E. K. H. (PhD Student), Li-Ying, J. (Main Supervisor) & Qiao, H. (Supervisor)
01/10/2022 → 30/09/2025
Project: PhD
In Pursuit of Collective Benefit: Toward Temporally Complex Collaboration in Deep Science Networks, in paticular European Spallation Science (ESS)
Alfian, E. T. (PhD Student), Välikangas, L. (Main Supervisor) & Li-Ying, J. (Supervisor)
01/09/2022 → 04/01/2026
Project: PhD
Accelerating Sustainable Development: The Role of Entrepreneurship Education
Ghalwash, S. (PhD Student), Rosati, F. (Main Supervisor) & Nikiforou, A. (Supervisor)
01/11/2021 → 05/01/2026
Project: PhD
Enablers and disablers of sustainable entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship: individual and contextual factors
Scartozzi, G. (PhD Student), Rosati, F. (Main Supervisor) & Nikiforou, A. (Supervisor)
01/09/2021 → 04/05/2025
Project: PhD
Smart cities, networks and innovation
Figenschou, T. (PhD Student), Li-Ying, J. (Main Supervisor), Tanner, A. N. (Supervisor) & Bogers, M. (Supervisor)
01/06/2019 → 20/02/2025
Project: PhD
Co-creation in the entrepreneurial university: unraveling systemic value tensions
Pantano, G. (PhD Student), Alkærsig, L. (Main Supervisor), Grex, S. (Supervisor), Crispeels, T. (Examiner) & Brattström, A. (Examiner)
01/04/2021 → 15/07/2024
Project: PhD
New Functions and Effects of Intermediaries for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Equipped with Artificial Intelligence
Sala Vilar, L. R. (PhD Student), Li-Ying, J. (Main Supervisor), Bolander, T. (Supervisor), Colovic, A. (Examiner) & Mortara, L. (Examiner)
01/06/2020 → 06/09/2024
Project: PhD
Innovation Impact of Big Science Organizations ¿ Conditions, Interactions, and Knowledge Spillover
Dietrichson, E. S. (PhD Student), Li-Ying, J. (Main Supervisor), Alkærsig, L. (Supervisor), Rekers, J. (Examiner) & Wareham, J. (Examiner)
01/06/2020 → 06/09/2024
Project: PhD
From start-up to scale-up: Examining the factors that enable scalable deep-tech ventures
Svendsen, M. R. (PhD Student), Donner, S. M. (Supervisor), Nikiforou, A. (Main Supervisor) & Lomberg, C. (Supervisor)
01/04/2020 → 01/10/2023
Project: PhD
Transscalar Innovation and Sustainability Agents in the High North and Arctic
Olsen, M. M. (PhD Student), Li-Ying, J. (Main Supervisor), Rosati, F. (Supervisor), Justinussen, J. C. S. (Supervisor), Gaini, F. (Examiner), King, L. (Examiner) & Blaxekjær, L. Ø. (Supervisor)
01/12/2018 → 11/01/2024
Project: PhD
Digital Business Model Innovations in Nordic Small and Medium-Sized Firms
Trischler, M. (PhD Student), Snihur, Y. (Examiner), Vanhaverbeke, W. (Examiner), Li-Ying, J. (Main Supervisor) & Bækgaard, P. (Supervisor)
01/11/2018 → 30/09/2022
Project: PhD