Projects per year
- 50 - 78 out of 78 results
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Exploring Plasma-catalysis for Sustainable Production of Chemicals
Andersen, J. A. (PhD Student), Lefferts, L. (Examiner), Moses, P. G. (Examiner), Jensen, A. D. (Main Supervisor), Christensen, J. M. (Supervisor), Bogaerts, A. (Supervisor), Østberg, M. (Supervisor) & Høj, M. (Examiner)
01/10/2018 → 11/02/2022
Project: PhD
Investigation of Corrosion Inhibition Mechanisms Specific to localizad Corrosion in Sweet and Sour Conditions
Gupta, S. (PhD Student), Kale, G. (Examiner), Olivier, M.-G. M. (Examiner), Jellesen, M. S. (Examiner), Ambat, R. (Main Supervisor), Andersson, M. (Supervisor) & Rogowska, M. (Supervisor)
01/09/2018 → 09/06/2022
Project: PhD
Computer.Aided Design of Coatings
Enekvist, K. M. (PhD Student), Camarda, K. V. (Examiner), Kate, A. J. B. T. (Examiner), Wu, H. (Examiner), Kontogeorgis, G. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor) & Liang, X. (Supervisor)
01/09/2018 → 11/02/2022
Project: PhD
Novel catalysts and reaction pathways to complex nitrile molecules
Rode Nielsen, K. (PhD Student), Chen, D. (Examiner), Christensen, J. M. (Main Supervisor), Jensen, A. D. (Supervisor), Nguyen, T. T. M. (Supervisor), Kegnæs, S. (Examiner) & Dahl, S. (Examiner)
01/09/2018 → 08/04/2022
Project: PhD
Cirkulær Byggeri - sektorudviklingsprojekt
Ottosen, L. M. (PI), Jensen, L. B. (Project Participant), Thuesen, C. (Project Participant), Ryberg, M. (Project Participant), Astrup, T. F. (Project Participant), Christiansen, S. (Project Participant), Damø, A. J. (Project Participant), McAloone, T. C. (Project Participant) & Lütken, S. (Project Participant)
01/07/2018 → 08/03/2022
Project: Research
File -
Mechanisms of High Temperature agglomeration in fluidized beds
Zhao, L. (PhD Student), Lyu, J. (Examiner), Frandsen, F. J. (Examiner), Jensen, L. S. (Examiner), Wu, H. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor) & Lin, W. (Supervisor)
15/05/2018 → 16/08/2021
Project: PhD
Optimized high temperature cyclones used for stone wool production by CFD modelling
Jønck, K. M. (PhD Student), Jensen, P. A. (Main Supervisor), Glarborg, P. (Supervisor), Hansen, L. E. (Supervisor), Zhou, H. (Supervisor), Wu, H. (Supervisor), Lin, W. (Examiner), Brink, A. S. (Examiner) & Grévain, D. (Examiner)
15/04/2018 → 07/03/2022
Project: PhD
Coating with inherent sensing functionality based on dielectric elastomers
Krpovic, S. (PhD Student), Bach, A. (Examiner), Shea, H. R. (Examiner), Skov, A. L. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor) & Krühne, U. (Examiner)
01/02/2018 → 16/08/2021
Project: PhD
Structure property relationships in coatings
Jurásková, A. (PhD Student), Ganachaud, F. (Examiner), Daugaard, A. E. (Examiner), Paulsen, A. L. (Examiner), Skov, A. L. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor) & Olsen, S. M. (Supervisor)
01/02/2018 → 06/12/2021
Project: PhD
Catalytic Cracking of Sugars for Production of Chemicals
Schandel, C. B. (PhD Student), Murzin, D. (Examiner), Hansen, B. B. (Examiner), Kaarsholm, M. K. (Examiner), Jensen, A. D. (Main Supervisor), Høj, M. (Supervisor) & Osmundsen, C. M. (Supervisor)
01/11/2017 → 08/02/2021
Project: PhD
Continuous Biocatalytic Alkene Hydrogenation
Lindeque, R. M. (PhD Student), Grosser, S. T. (Examiner), Wohlgemuth, R. (Examiner), Gernaey, K. V. B. (Examiner), Woodley, J. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor) & Krühne, U. (Supervisor)
Eksternt finansieret virksomhed
01/11/2017 → 25/01/2021
Project: PhD
Catalytic methanol synthesis
Nielsen, N. D. (PhD Student), Behrens, M. (Examiner), Ovesen, C. V. (Examiner), Kibsgaard, J. (Examiner), Christensen, J. M. (Main Supervisor) & Jensen, A. D. (Supervisor)
01/11/2017 → 08/02/2021
Project: PhD
Novel catalysts for the selective oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde
Thrane, J. (PhD Student), Hulteberg, C. (Examiner), Jensen, A. D. (Main Supervisor), Høj, M. (Supervisor), Thorhauge, M. (Supervisor), Kegnæs, S. (Examiner) & Christensen, K. A. (Examiner)
01/11/2017 → 08/02/2021
Project: PhD
Biofuel production based on Integrated Systems combining Biomass Gasification and Solid Oxide Cells
Butera, G. (PhD Student), Braun, R. (Examiner), Hillestad, M. (Examiner), Elmegaard, B. (Examiner), Clausen, L. R. (Main Supervisor), Ahrenfeldt, J. (Supervisor) & Jensen, S. H. (Supervisor)
01/09/2017 → 03/12/2020
Project: PhD
NOx control in combustion of alternative fuels
Krum, K. R. K. (PhD Student), Hupa, M. M. (Examiner), Christensen, J. M. (Examiner), Pedersen, K. H. (Examiner), Glarborg, P. (Main Supervisor), Wu, H. (Supervisor) & Li, S. (Supervisor)
01/09/2017 → 08/03/2021
Project: PhD
Air-pollutant sensor system for woodstoves
Du, Y. (PhD Student), Li, T. (Examiner), Hansen, B. B. (Examiner), Glarborg, P. (Main Supervisor), Clausen, S. (Supervisor), Lin, W. (Supervisor) & Jensen, J. P. (Examiner)
01/09/2017 → 08/03/2021
Project: PhD
Quantification of curing, hardness development and degradation in epoxy and polyurethane coatings
Wang, T. (PhD Student), Soucek, M. D. (Examiner), Bi, H. (Examiner), Pedersen, L. T. (Examiner), Kiil, S. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor), Weinell, C. E. (Supervisor), Graversen, E. (Supervisor) & José Segura, J. (Supervisor)
01/09/2017 → 14/12/2020
Project: PhD
Discovery and engineering of new enzymes for efficient enzymatic conversion of CO2 to CH2OH
Nielsen, C. F. (PhD Student), Christensen, J. M. (Supervisor), Lange, L. (Supervisor), Jensen, P.-E. (Examiner), Nikel, P. I. (Examiner), Meyer, A. S. (Main Supervisor), Morth, J. P. (Supervisor) & Leimkühler, S. (Examiner)
01/04/2017 → 08/03/2021
Project: PhD
Use of Zeolites for Tar De-Oxygenation
Eschenbacher, A. C. (PhD Student), Yang, W. (Examiner), Christensen, J. M. (Examiner), Gabrielsen, J. (Examiner), Jensen, A. D. (Main Supervisor), Ahrenfeldt, J. (Supervisor), Henriksen, U. B. (Supervisor) & Jensen, P. A. (Supervisor)
01/02/2017 → 15/06/2020
Project: PhD
SustainableCatalytic Alcohol Synthesis from Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide
Schumann, M. (PhD Student), Ovesen, C. V. (Examiner), Skoglundh, B. M. (Examiner), Riisager, A. (Examiner), Christensen, J. M. (Main Supervisor), Grunwaldt, J.-D. (Supervisor) & Jensen, A. D. (Supervisor)
01/01/2017 → 14/09/2020
Project: PhD
Alternative liquid fuels in burners optimized for low NOx emissions and high burn out
Cafaggi, G. (PhD Student), Hupa, M. M. (Examiner), Norman, T. (Examiner), Wu, H. (Examiner), Jensen, P. A. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor) & Glarborg, P. (Supervisor)
01/01/2017 → 17/08/2020
Project: PhD
Novel testing methods for intumescent coating
Zeng, Y. (PhD Student), Kiil, S. (Main Supervisor), Dam-Johansen, K. (Supervisor), Liang, X. (Examiner), Mistry, D. (Examiner), Wang, Y. C. (Examiner), Weinell, C. E. (Supervisor) & Ring, L. (Supervisor)
15/10/2016 → 13/01/2020
Project: PhD
CFD Simulation of Heterogeneous Reacting Systems
Luo, H. (PhD Student), Dam-Johansen, K. (Main Supervisor), Wu, H. (Supervisor), Damø, A. J. (Examiner), Brink, A. S. (Examiner), Hansen, L. E. (Examiner) & Lin, W. (Supervisor)
01/10/2016 → 13/01/2020
Project: PhD
Development Reactors
Svith, C. S. (PhD Student), Jensen, P. A. (Examiner), Zhou, H. (Examiner), Dam-Johansen, K. (Main Supervisor), Lin, W. (Supervisor), Wu, H. (Supervisor) & Karlström, O. T. V. (Examiner)
15/09/2016 → 17/08/2020
Project: PhD
Integrated SILP Catalysts - Membrane Separation Reaction Systems
Marinkovic, J. M. (PhD Student), Riisager, A. (Main Supervisor), Garcia Suárez, E. J. (Supervisor), Jensen, A. D. (Examiner), Nielsen, M. B. (Examiner), Fehrmann, R. (Supervisor) & Schröder, K. (Examiner)
01/09/2016 → 24/02/2020
Project: PhD
Optimized recycling in an integrated melting furnace for production of stone wool melt
Schultz-Falk, V. (PhD Student), Jensen, P. A. (Main Supervisor), Hansen, L. E. (Supervisor), Solvang, M. (Supervisor), Lin, W. (Examiner), Schmidt, I. B. (Examiner) & Tokheim, L.-A. (Examiner)
01/08/2016 → 08/02/2021
Project: PhD
Combined flue gas cleaning for small scale wood combustion appliances
Azizaddini, N. (Project Participant), Lin, W. (Project Coordinator) & Illerup, J. B. (Project Coordinator)
20/06/2016 → 19/06/2018
Project: Research
BioSOFC: BioSOFC - 3rd Generation Biomass Based Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
Bang-Møller, C. (Project Participant), Henriksen, U. B. (Project Manager), Ahrenfeldt, J. (Project Participant), Elmegaard, B. (Project Participant), Rokni, M. M. (Project Participant), Hagen, A. (Project Participant) & Hansen, J. B. (Project Participant)
01/03/2010 → 01/03/2013
Project: Research