This is data for the article: Phase-contrast neutron imaging compared with wave propagation and McStas simulationsAuthored by: Estrid Naver, Mads Bertelsen, Maja Østergaard, Domenico Battaglia, Peter Willendrup, Pavel Trtik, Søren Schmidt, Henrik Birkedal, and Luise Theil Kuhn.Journal: J. Appl. Cryst. DOI: necessary to recreate the figures in the article. The data for each figure is found in the file of the same name, e.g. in order to plot Figure 2a) from the article use data from file "Fig. 2a_BOA_graph_radiography". The data stems from neutron radiography images measured at the BOA beamline at the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ) or simulated using either wave simulations or McStas. Images were normalised and denoised in Python, then vertically averaged and plotted as lines. The vertical averages seen in the article are provided here. Data files are generated in Python.