Har på nedenstående henvendelse meldt tilbage, at vi ikke har eksperter præcist indenfor området, og at vi generelt ikke ønsker at deltage i markedsføring af produkter.
We've done a lot of internet research and found your contact.
We hope you could help us to realize our new project: We are searching for experts who could be interviewed by us in the subject area of water and nutrition.
In Detail:
PHOENIXdigital is a filmproduction based in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Nongfu, our Chinese client assigned us to produce a video about "water for baby food preparation" for China.
Nongfu is one of the few enterprises in China that processes and expels water directly from natural springs and meet high quality standards.
In China the main problem is tap water that has not a good quality in some regions. And the bottled water you can buy in shops is sometimes so purified that it is almost distilled water which contains no minerals.
Currently in China, most of mothers haven’t recognized the importance of good water that is needed for the preparation of baby food and have no idea how to choose suitable water for infants.
So the film should inform people about the necessity, that water for babies should not be contaminated (with germs, microbes, chemicals) and should have balanced minerals for babies.
Please have a look at our latest project we realized for Nongfu as an example for our actual one. This is a direct link to download our film:
So as in the example above we would like to work together with an expert or scientist, which would like to do a scientifically oriented interview with us in front of the camera.
Of course your engagement is paid appropriately.
We would be pleased if we have aroused your interest and we have the possibility to speak personally with you about details of this project.
Yours sincerely,
Katharina Clemens
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