FutureGas project | Tara Sabbagh Amirkhizi

  • Tara Sabbagh Amirkhizi

    Press/Media: Press / Media


    FutureGas project looks into the ways the gas sector could be integrated in the Danish energy system and contribute to clean energy transition e.g. through the injection of green gas. The researchers from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and key stakeholders of the Danish gas industry have been working with 18 international partners (including Florence School of Regulation) to pursue the research on the potential opportunities across the gas value chain. Moreover, the project looks into different national experiences with renewable gas injection and the support systems. This four-year project (2016-2020) is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.
    In this podcast, Maria Olczak (FSR) interviews Tara Sabbagh Amirkhizi (DTU) to give you some insights from the project. In the first part, the key information regarding the scope, objectives and the work packages of the project are provided. Then, we discuss how this project fits into the changing policy landscape in Denmark with the adoption of a new 55% renewables target. Tara will also shed some light on the preliminary results of the project.

    Period11 Dec 2018

    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleFutureGas project | Tara Sabbagh Amirkhizi
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletPodcast
      Media typeRadio
      DescriptionFutureGas project looks into the ways the gas sector could be integrated in the Danish energy system and contribute to clean energy transition e.g. through the injection of green gas. The researchers from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and key stakeholders of the Danish gas industry have been working with 18 international partners (including Florence School of Regulation) to pursue the research on the potential opportunities across the gas value chain. Moreover, the project looks into different national experiences with renewable gas injection and the support systems. This four-year project (2016-2020) is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.
      In this podcast, Maria Olczak (FSR) interviews Tara Sabbagh Amirkhizi (DTU) to give you some insights from the project. In the first part, the key information regarding the scope, objectives and the work packages of the project are provided. Then, we discuss how this project fits into the changing policy landscape in Denmark with the adoption of a new 55% renewables target. Tara will also shed some light on the preliminary results of the project. You can find more information, reports and presentations on the project webpage:


      PersonsTara Sabbagh Amirkhizi